poniedziałek, 27 kwietnia 2020

Why is the sexual abuse of children a filth?

Why is the sexual abuse of children a filth? ("My Defense" - below this post )

When I was a few years old, I remember hooking up with such older guys on a bench next to the block where I lived. It's hard to say how old they were, maybe twelve or sixteen, but at the time they seemed very 'big' to me. For example, I remember that once I had a magnifying glass; the Sun was behind the clouds, and they pretended to be burns when I tried to focus the light on them.

But that time it wasn't so "funny" because I didn't get what I wanted from them... I needed a match, I totally don't remember for what I wanted it, but since I was a very bloody child, I was always angry in such situations. So from what I remember, I expressed my regret out loud that "I need a match!" I was already walking resigned in the direction of home, when an adult man hooked me up and said he would give me a match. He led me into the bushes nearby, pulled out the sticky penis and told me to "lick it" and he would give it to me. I remember that the situation seemed a little strange to me, but I did what he asked for. He said "thank you", hid the penis and quickly started to move away from me. When I shouted after him: "and a match!", he just said, "what for do you need a match..." And I didn't see him anymore...

When I first encountered "the fight against pedophilia", being sexually aware, I remember that I had such a dilemma: "did the fact that I was a victim of 'pedophilia' made me a pedophile and thus a potential offender?"... However, the communists of Child Liberation confused me so much with their twisted ideology that I believed that it was possible to have "positive sexual relations with children". I even wrote a paper where I did not openly defend the so-called "positive pedophilia," but wrote that I consider the "evil touch" to be merely dogma.

It was also then that I 'explained' this childhood event to myself. "That I was hurt? He took advantage of my unconsciousness, deceived me, but if then I felt only deceived and not hurt, then why should I feel hurt now... You can't burn yourself and feel it only later - harm is something experimental when you don't feel it, it means you don't have it... " -That's how I understood that situation for a  few years.

However, some events have finally made me find the destructive impact of that episode on my life...

Soon after this sexual abuse, I realized that when I touch myself, it makes me pleasure. I didn't talk about it with anyone then, but I discovered such fun that I would put my foot on, putting my penis between my toes and pushing "him" over and over again so that it would come back itself. Although I did not discover the "standard" way of masturbation until I was about fourteen years old (in fact, a colleague from one of the hospital's stays betrayed it to me), this way "between clenched legs" became my favourite pastime at the age of several. It was without erection or ejaculation, so I even did it in school. I remember that at least five times a day. I also remember that over time it started to bother me so much that I even tried to impose myself celibacy because I realized it was my addiction. However, what I managed to do for a day, two or five at the most, I made up for it later on, when I couldn't stand it anymore...

It was my secret, but my interest in sexual matters was not limited to this. I had a girlfriend who liked me and we sometimes allowed ourselves a lot (...) but as I mentioned at the beginning in "My Biggest Love", when I started 'clowning' in class to be the center of attention, she quickly turned away from me and I no longer had any contact with her outside school. There were other girls later on which I tried to "pick up" (also from my class, but not only...) but they weren't willing to do that and now I'm ashamed of the only memory ... For example, my friend's cousin, who I was at his birthday party, a little younger than us, who I don't remember trying to touch, but my insistent attention to her was very embarrassing for her... Or another classmate I tried to stroke her back on her birthday, etc.

There were a few more minor episodes, even from an earlier period when, for example, I was demonstrating what sexual positions look like in front of my old colleague from the yard and her mother. It was their attempt to renew contact with our family after the move, but then I did not see them again.

Because of my 'otherness' in terms of behaviour, hardly anyone wanted to deal with me and, in fact, I became a very lonely person when I was still a child... Because I wasn't happy in my life, it was very easy in high school for me to be persuaded to use drugs. Marijuana and amphetamines, which I later also discovered that I can masturbate after it. I mention this in more detail in chapter 4 and "My Greatest Love", so here, let me give up writing it again... Here I'll just add a reflection that this addiction destroyed my self-esteem - I just felt like a life lost trash, wanting to finally get high to death...

However, almost five years ago I came across such a PDF "Spiritual Satanism" when I was looking on the Internet for information "how to make a pact with the Devil". When I started studying it, I realized that Satanism is something completely different than I had imagined before. That it is about spiritual development, breathing and meditation exercises, not any 'evil', etc., and that Satan and Demons are our original Gentile Gods Which have been cursed and replaced by the Christian program. (And all the "demonic possessions", sacrifices and similar things are the result of the deceivers behind Christianity, to keep us away from our Gods and spiritual development. ) There was also a whole chapter about sex with Demons...

From the description of the Gods of Hell, Astarte Innana, a beautiful blonde with a light blue aura, the Crowned Princess of Hell, immediately caught my attention. Through the Tarot cards I asked Her if I could give Her the look of a girl and imagine sex with Her as such. {*} She agreed to it and then my use of legal photos of girls has changed irretrievably. I stopped imagining that I 'in a gentle way' molest innocent girls; from now on it was normal sex with very conscious and developed Beings, only about the girls' appearance. At first there was only Astarte, and then there were a few more of Her Friends...

{*Of course Astarte and all our Gods clearly and severely condemn any violation of children's innocence. They are very ethical Beings and any harm to children and animals is the worst filth in Their eyes. But They understand the difference between pedophilia as a sexual perception and the sexual abuse of children. They accept and respect my nature, They want to look beautiful to me and They just don't condemn me for liking little girls.}

I promised Her I'd break off all drugs and get on with the development. I liked doing breathing exercises and meditating on the flame of a candle right away, but since I was an active alcoholic and drug addict for many years, I failed to keep my promise... But my intentions were sincere, so She and Satan forgave me it. But at the beginning there was a lot of confusion and twice I made Her so angry that I felt it physically... After I lost my pension, I had to go to work. When I couldn't cope with the hard physical work I went to a psychiatrist. After leaving, the last time I bought amphetamine (end of 2015). Because I was ashamed of it in front of Astarte, I escaped in the 'old amphetamine way' of my imagination... But She 'somehow' forced me to display Her avatar and masturbate on my knees in front of Her for about five hours until I finally came... Then we talked... {*}

{*I want to mention here the important thing, that drugs can open astral senses for a while, but all drugs  only distract you from the NATURAL access to your soul and the related abilities. In other words, the more you are do drugs, the more difficult it will be for you to develop spiritually. Even if you are not interested in having sex with Demons (as an adult or as such...), I would recommend that you get to know the subject of spirituality. Check out my Eight-Fold Path where I describe a spiritual development in details.}

Astarte has confirmed to me that She loves me and that She cares about me. I told Her that I'm completely failing and that I'm asking her for help... My mother wanted to send me to another rehab and I defended myself against it, remembering the therapeutic terror I had met in the previous one. She told me not to worry, because it's a completely different form of therapy and that I will be able to develop spiritually there. Besides what is more important in this post, we also talked about the issue of pedophilia. Astarte confirmed my main assumption that the "fight against paedophilia" is a trap, has nothing to do with child protection and has a very negative impact on everyone in general. But She also said that there is one more thing I need to understand about it. (because I still believed in "positive paedophilia" at the time) And I will understand it in this rehab...

 ..And just as my Beloved promised, I could do spiritual exercises there. I also had individual therapy with my psychologist, who, unlike all the other psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists that I had dealt with before (...), approached my paedophilia with empathy, but also without giving up on the matter of morality, and took solidly to work on persuading me out of my mind the "positive pedophilia".

Now I admit to myself that the last bastion in my internal defense mechanisms was not at all to allow myself [that] and [how] I was hurt by this man in my early childhood, but some dream that I nurtured in my mind for all the time in the ideology of "positive paedophilia".

This dream was like this: (I don't dream about it anymore, just to be clear...)
 "When I explain to people that dealing with children doesn't necessarily have to be bad, I'll make friends with some pretty girl about six or seven years old. And when I get to know her well, she'll trust me completely, I'll tell her I'd like to make her happy. First I'll tell her exactly what I want to do, ask her if she wants it, and if her answer is yes, I'll ask her to undress...". I imagined that I would first caress her on the inside of her thighs and start to gently lick her clitoris. I assumed she wouldn't know what to do with her hands, so I'd suggest she hold on to it... Then I imagined that I would hug my lips to her vulva and lick her a little faster and more confidently, looking into her laughing eyes and caressing her gently a little on the thighs and a little on her tummy... Seeing she coming, I imagined that I was still speeding up my tongue a little bit... and then I run to the toilet to quickly unload my sexual tension...

In my 'idealism' I simply assumed that I wouldn't expect any 'repay' from her, because it could not be fun for her. That all I needed was the experience of giving her pleasure. However, thanks to the efforts of this psychologist, I finally understood that I would do her the same or even worst harm as the man whom I licked...

Because this is not about something 'experimental' and contrary to the stereotypes of "the fight against paedophilia", most children do not suffer in any way when they are victims of sexual abuse and often even have fun. I haven't suffered and apart from the disappointment that he cheated me with this match and the taste of his dick in my mouth, I felt nothing more. And this girl from my 'dream', I think that not only would she not feel hurt then, but soon afterwards she would ask for one more time...

However, I would wake up something in her that should still sleep, wake up itself in its own time and maturate itself. This is why I compare the development of sexuality in children to germination. Because the germin, when we help it, may even feel grateful, but then the plant is weak and often even dies. I write that maybe I would hurt her even more because that man didn't give me any pleasure and I just had to 'find' it myself, and she would probably become addicted to masturbation even faster than me. The hormones would have woken up in her and she would have somehow been out of her peers; she would have been a bit 'different' too, maybe not like me (because there was still an accident with me, where I banged my head to the ground from a meter (...)). But I personally met a few girls who had been molested and none of them were quite healthy emotionally...{*}

{*This is where I wanted to add such a thing as a supplement to chapter 6.3. that making Super Beings out of children (some sports or lots of extra learning) does a very similar thing. Of course, it's not even morally that vile in part, but from a 'technical' point of view, so to speak, it also disturbs all emotional development. I found out about it in rehab, where I met a lot of people who were 'diamond cut' as children. Acrobats, Break Dance masters, ballerinas, polyglists... Everything has to be balanced and it is not worth to impose too much of your own ambitions on children, because it will certainly do them more harm in life than it will help... }

The ideology of "positive pedophilia" assumes that this harm is exclusively the result of the sense of stigma of "victim of pedophilia". I also believed in it, so in my 'idealistic dream' I assumed that I would first convince the world to my 'right', because otherwise I would expose this girl (from this dream) to this very harm. But in this individual therapy I realized that in my case all the worst consequences of sexual abuse occurred and intensified when I had no awareness of being a victim yet...

..So even if I did it in a country where it is legal (unfortunately there are a few of them...) and if she would never let herself be a victim (to mention it only from the side of the pleasure she experienced), from the point of view of the natural moral law, I would still be a criminal who disturbed and consequently destroyed the development of her psyche and sexuality. So if, after such a thing, I understand it as I understand it now, I would have to take your suggested "remedium for pedophilia" and shoot myself...

However, I think it's very important that you understand the point of this harm. Because its can't be done such things NOT because "pedophilia is disgusting". (I honestly and openly admit that contrary to what this slogan suggests, I don't think and certainly will never think with disgust about the sexuality of girls I like. ) Neither is it because children only suffer from abuse, because at least in general, fortunately it is not so{*}. (Besides, Polish "positive pedophiles" from internet chans always use on such, speaking bluntly, nonsense theses the counterargument that: "watch the 'cp' (child pornography) and you will see what pleasure a little girl can have")

{*I write "fortunately" because unfortunately, there are those who not only abuse children, but also physically harm them, sometimes even extremely brutally... Such a 'good' example is Archbishop Wesolowski, whom the Pope most probably ordered to kill himself. In his case, I realized that calling all sexual crimes against children "pedophilia" does not always serve to draw the attention of the audience, but sometimes the opposite - to hide something... Because you know what this f..ker had on his computer...? Brutal rape and torture of tiny children, even babies... And most likely he was involved in it himself. Besides, I think if it was about someone who doesn't belong to such an influential institution, the media wouldn't be silent about such 'spicy' details... And the worst thing is that many criminals like Wesolowski are still safely hiding in the Catholic church. I don't like violence, but I think that for such degenerates death is not enough. And here I don't even mean revenge, but that such people must necessarily start to fear of justice in order to protect potential next victims from them...
Some say, "It's not only Catholic priests who abuse children." Yes, that's right. But there is no institution on Earth that has committed even half of their crimes. Besides, there is no other such institution that currently creates so many opportunities to commit sexual crimes against children and that protects the perpetrators so much... And allowing them to 'settle themselves alone' is, in my opinion, the same absurdity, as if in the case of crimes committed by the Italian Mafia to ask Cosa Nostra to set up a commission among its bosses to investigate this case... Therefore, I see only one reasonable solution: the total global outlawing of this always criminal institution.}

Abusing children must not be done because the development of sexuality is a process that is disturbed during premature stimulation, which also disrupts mental and hormonal development. And thus it has a destructive impact on the whole life of a person who has been harmed in this way. That is why it is a harm even if a child is having fun while doing it. And such behaviours are in every case filthy, criminal and unforgivable and must be punished, presecuted, fought against and eliminated as long as we exist as thinking and moral beings.

Also, in my simple opinion, there is no need to come up with any 'extra' reasons why children must not be abused, because this REAL CAUSE and the related REAL HARM is enough for any other 1000 reasons.

Admittedly, there are other [real] reasons why it mustn't be done, such as the inability of the child to make an informed decision, as well as the inability to define his or her needs and boundaries, making 'partner sex' with the child simply impossible. But if it were not for this most important reason, these arguments could still be undermined by claims that "a child can be sexually educated after all" as well as that "the first time we give a chocolate to a child, he or she does not know what to expect, but he or she likes it and is satisfied...". Yes, but the very education of "how to have sex" or "how to enjoy sex" even without later "practical lessons" results in an inevitable disruption of developmental processes. And the pleasure of eating chocolate (or playing at a funfair, etc.) does not disrupt these processes, unlike the pleasure during abuse...

That is why the claims of "positive pedophilia" are absolutely false and child molestation is absolutely evil.(For more information about it, take a look chapter 11)  However, in order to destroy this poisonous doctrine, the equally poisonous "fight against paedophilia" (chapter 0chapter 4chapter 8) must also be ended, which, in addition to persecuting people for the sexuality of pedophilia (which pushes them into the arms of "positive pedophilia"), imposes some nonsense on the public consciousness about "the lack of sexuality in children", "their inability to experience an orgasm", etc. It is on this nonsense that the "positive pedophilia" may have grown, which, if it were not, rightly questions it. It is therefore necessary to begin to speak TRUTH about what it is the sexual abuse of children and what is the point of it. Both of these creations - "the fight against pedophilia" and "positive pedophilia" - together contribute to the sexual abuse of children, both  are the product of the same "sage minds" and bring nothing good to our lives and to civilization as a whole (read "My Defense", especially the chapters recommended above). 

I don't have any problems with my own libido, I have no erection, and I don't have any 'intrusive temptations' in relation even with the prettiest girls for me... Besides, I respect and love children, and I certainly never want to hurt them in any way, but on the contrary, I want to protect them from any harm. Especially such destructive to their development as sexual abuse.  So do you really think that a man who thinks like me deserves a shot in his head just because he is not disgusted by the thoughts of child sexuality?

0. Preface

My Defense 

0. Preface

Because of the "reactions" to this work so far, I decided to add this one more paragraph at the very beginning in response to them. Due to the fact that I consider myself a completely normal person in terms of sexuality and that I have absolutely nothing to blame myself for in this regard, I will openly write on the very beginning that I DO NOT CARE whether you will like me or not.… I didn't write this work for a fame, to seek approval, to "whiten myself" (because I have nothing to whiten myself with!), to boast, or to lament -my sexual preferences, or anything like that.… I wrote it TO MAKE YOU AWARE OF A SOME SOCIALLY MEGA IMPORTANT AND MULTI-DIMENSIONAL PROBLEM! As a Man following the Natural Moral Law in life, when it comes to [people who sexually abuse children]{*}, my opinion is simple and as I guess, the same like yours: KILL THEM IS NOT ENOUGH!!!! So I do not have, I never had and certainly never will have anything to do with such mother f....rs! However, for some reasons, I do not call them, that is, [people who abuse children] - "pedophiles" and this extremely pathological phenomenon - "pedophilia".... Why? Because this is, mildly speaking, an incorrect definition of this word{**}, with which the "fight", given its [effects], is not at all a fight against this pathology and on the contrary, and brings only harm..to all of you and also to your children. -even if no "pedophiles" get them, which, by participating in this psychosis, you yourselves indirectly create.... Don't you understand? Do not believe? Then read this page, and I assure you that you will be CONVINCED of this, because I simply PROVE it - WITH VERY MANY CONCRETE, CLEAR AND LOGICALLY CONSISTENT ARGUMENTS AND EXAMPLES.… (Unless this social psychosis that I am describing, analyzing, and exposing here will completely obscure your ability to think rationally while reading further, or will not allow you to read further at all…)

{*Explanation of the meaning of square brackets; brackets [link]}.

{**Wanting to refer me to encyclopedic definitions of the word "pedophilia" I immediately refer you to [here] - the second paragraph and the first bracket below it}

I have entitled this work "My Defense" because I wrote it in defense of myself and my dignity. Although I have not committed any crime from the group of crimes commonly referred as "pedophilia" and I never intend to do so, I still... I consider myself a pedophile. -Since I remember I like girls younger than me, especially the little girls - However, I perfectly understand [why] it is not allowed to abuse children; I have natural care and empathy for them and I absolutely do not support the views described as "positive pedophilia". Besides, I have no problems with controlling my libido in relationships with children and in general. So for the sake of clarity, in the first paragraph, I make it clear that the purpose of this work is not to defend any crimes that you call "pedophilia", which, like most of you, I unequivocally condemn. Besides i VERY RESENT any suggestions I could be a 'possible threat' for children..

With what I've written, I just want to make you realize that this universal "fight against pedophilia" is really something different from what you think. That it is not at all a fight against sexual abuse of children, let alone a spontaneous, social campaign against such crimes.

In order to immediately expose you to "what I mean" in this work, I will write down my main assumptions:
-pedophilia is NOT sexual abuse of children
-pedophilia is only [perception] the attractiveness of children's beauty 
- the word pedophilia does not describe increased libido, lack of empathy, or psychopathy, etc. 
-just being a pedophile doesn't make anyone a criminal 
-"the fight against pedophilia" is NOT a fight against sexual abuse of children
-"The fight against pedophilia" is a major contributor to the scale of sexual abuse of children. (How? -Read my work...)
- something [natural] in our species is the protection of the sexual integrity of children, and "the fight against pedophilia" is [media creation], artificially built on it and impersonating it
-"The fight against pedophilia" has many negative social consequences
-"The fight against pedophilia" is used by the media to make money and manipulate social moods.
-You don't have to be against pedophilia to be against the sexual abuse of children
-the truth about the evolving sexuality of children is a much more solid and understandable foundation against their abuse, such as denying the existence of their sexuality in accordance with "the fight against pedophilia".
-the so-called "positive pedophilia" is NOT the position of all pedophiles and the majority of pedophiles respect the sexual inviolability of children, as well as condemn their abuse, understanding how morally vile it is

All the rest will be a development and an attempt to make these statements credible to you. I would like this work to be read best by the whole mankind{*}. I wrote it mainly to reach out to the general public, but also to pedophiles deluded by the propaganda of so-called "positive pedophilia".

{*"Except children, of course. Although I will write a lot about them, I am well aware that this work should not be read by the youngest for many reasons. Although I also know that I will not be able to avoid it completely, and by writing about it more and more transparently, I would only achieve the opposite effect... Well. I can only be comforted by the fact that if the children look here and read what I have to say to the older generation, maybe they will be able to protect themselves from worse mistakes, which I will describe in detail here...}

I am SURE that when you understand my arguments and make them widely known, it will contribute to the almost complete elimination of child sexual abuse (certainly more than 95%), which is perhaps not the only but certainly the most important goal I want to achieve with this work.

I simply want to repair what has been destroyed by the trap of "the fight against pedophilia", and I will  succeed in doing it only by making you aware of the essence and the enormity of this destruction, by explaining you my point of view on this issue in detail. And I count very much on your courage, because the fact that you will understand my arguments is rather obvious to me...

And if anyone would try to find any "hate speech" in my thoughts... With a hate speech I feel persecuted on all sides since I became sexually aware, and this work is my defense and reaction to it. Besides, I feel that everything I have written is only an attempt to repair Human relationships and a kind of cure for mutual hatred within modern societies.

Disarming this trap is an extremely difficult task, as I am well aware. However, I have decided to try it in the name of defending my own honour and saving the entire Humanity... (at least in my opinion) Apart from this, during writing and later laboriously working out this work, two thoughts all the time were encouraging me. The first was: I believe in myself, and the second: I know I am right. What do you think? Come on, let's read it.

(((I deleted one post about taboo subjects because some informations there were my mistake as I found out. Nothing very important, but I decided so because of my perfectionism. When I fix this post to proper form it will back.)))

1. Introduction

I "The fight against pedophilia" is a trap!

1. Introduction 

On the beginning, I would like to make it clear that I am absolutely against to any sexual abuse of children and any sexual "awareness" of them.

However, the very issue of pedophilia - what it is - as well as the fight against it, I see a little differently from what is commonly "thought" today, and in my opinion what has been imposed on people by the mainstream, using our empathy and concern for children in this aspect, which rightly tells us to protect their innocence.

I would like you to understand that pedophilia is NOT sexual abuse of children; raping them, or filming it, or having pornography with such filth, etc. Pedophilia is the perception of children's beauty, including sexual beauty, but it is not automatically followed by any intentions or deeds. 
 Why do I think it's so important...?

From my own observations (...) I have long since deduced that pedophilia is quite a common thing among people, especially men. In my opinion, every Human [to some extent] is a pedophile or gerantophile - that is, that he or she likes younger or older people more. {*}

{*Once I read on Onet (Polish web page) about some 'nymphophiles' abusing young girls... Like "hebephilia", in my opinion it is an artificial word, created to keep alive the myth that pedophilia is something extremely rare and the conviction that any "...philia" is always about some kind of 'transition to action' - at least watching pornography with this "...philia".}

And the point is that by calling child sex offenders pedophiles, and defining "pedophilia" a set of certain pathological and criminal behaviors and by expressing publicly your condemnation of the mere perception of the sexual attraction to children, you condemn many innocent people to the psychosis of fear, a sense of exclusion, being commonly hated and, besides, addictions, a mass of other emotional problems and, above all, sexual problems.

And also yourself to self-destruction...

-I'm proving in this work that regardless of sexual orientation, age, gender, occupation or race, "fight against pedophilia" only harms us all... (unless you are the beneficiaries of this psychosis... )

We must condemn specific condemnable acts, not Human sexuality (whatever it may be). It can (should) be tamed and controlled, but it cannot be chosen or changed. (at least sexuality; harmful fetishs/favorites can be unlearned{*}) Besides... If someone rapes a woman, will you condemn him for heterosexuality or for rape? Have you ever heard in the media that a rapist or harassing boss "has committed (or has been committing) heterosexuality"? With pedophilia and behaviors that may possibly and only indirectly result from pedophilia, in my opinion it is completely the same.

{*Sexual likes/reflexes and fetishes are another matter. A healthy liking is, for example, a particular love of oral-genital sex. Sadomasochism (BDSM) is such a harmful reflex. I do not condemn anyone with such a predilection (as long as they do not harm outsiders, children or animals), but it is not something healthy or natural and always results from some kind of harm that was so much or so intense that they learned to reproduce it and enjoy it (...).
Fetishes are also divided into normal, healthy and disgusting, pushed to people's throats mainly via the Internet. Healthy is, for example, my fetish for legs and buttocks (this is my most important criterion for assessing the beauty of both women and girls). The latter is a attraction to corpses, animals, urine, faeces... etc. If a person has caught on something like this, then until he or she has killed anyone and harmed any Human or animal, you have nothing to condemn him or her for. The condemnation of any sexual perversions only deepens the problem, increasingly isolating such people in their own worlds... In order to be able to heal oneself from such a thing (or noxious preferences), one has to find a cause within oneself and work out the cause. (and above all, do not feel persecuted...)}

It's just that no one who likes children automatically becomes a criminal because of that. And this, in my opinion, is not a disease or deviation, and telling such things to all pedophiles only exacerbates the problems that the "fight against pedophilia" supposedly fights against.

In order to explain exactly what I mean, I will first use my example, and then one by one explain you in details all effects of the "fight against pedophilia" I see on the present world.

.. Because there are so many of them, I don't know if I can see them all... Even the children's fairy tales have fallen victim to this trap. Writers like Andersen, the brothers Grimm, and Carroll don't occur anymore, because can you imagine a man today writing a fairy tale like "Thumbelina" - a little girl from a flower...? Kate Rowling can write her own fairy tale, and except for certain considerations of generally presented values (...), she is doing it quite well. But the best fairy tales were always written by men because they were child loving pedophiles and made them with love. They could best understand the children's psyche and their needs... But today men, when they write fairy tales, are at most some psychotic nightmares like "Coraline" to hide under the guise of some "macabre" that they would actually want to write about children and for children...

2. Pedophilia seen from my perspective

2. Pedophilia seen from my perspective 

Since I became aware of my own sexuality (somehow between 11 and 12 years of age), I have always liked younger more{*} than older girls. When I was in the sixth/seventh grade of primary school, I remember looking at the first/second grade students and sometimes wondering if this was normal. At that time, it wasn't a nuisance to me yet, although I already clashed with a slight ostracism when I told the school pedagogue about it...

{*Many women even a little older than me I like too. To illustrate you my sexual taste, I'll say that the prettiest (mature) girls for me are those that look like the ones from the "Seniorita" video by Pezet-Noon. Everyone has a slightly different sexual taste and a slightly different idea of perfection in it, but I think there are many more pedophiles than is commonly believed. And the 1-3% mentioned in the documents on the subject are, in my opinion, only those who, like me, have failed to cope with this part of their sexuality mentally and to find their "other half" and, in a similar way to me, the "fight against pedophilia" has ruined their lives... Or worse, they themselves ruined it for the children around them... All the rest is not in any statistics, because they pushed it out of consciousness as they grew up, as "unhealthy unwanted admiration..." and now they would deny it even under oath...}

"The fight against pedophilia" campaign, as I remember, did not start to grow until the end of the twentieth century, with the advent of the Internet. Trying to find myself in it, at first I tried to fit in somehow, falling for the "good intentions" of this campaign.

The whole problem, however, was that I couldn't stop identifying with pedophilia, seeing the beauty in little girls. But, of course, I managed not to commit any crime, commonly referred to as "pedophilia", even though my emotional immaturity made me lonely for almost my whole life (not only in sexual relationships...) and I had to deal with it myself. Although, as a child, I was sexually overactive and was a nuisance to my friends, it wasn't particularly pathological, and I grew out of it before I finished primary school.

After reading "the Little Prince" page {*} I realized that this whole "fight against pedophilia" hurts people like me because it takes away our ability to express ourselves freely in our own sexuality. (and any real debate, which effectively prevents us from understanding each other) I disagreed with Bear - the creator of this site from the very beginning, regarding his division into "positive" and "negative" pedophilia, as well as regarding what he wrote about "pedoholics".

{*The Bear pedophile's website ("the good side of pedophilia and child sexuality"), which has given rise to a rather strange and unique law that prohibits the promotion of so-called "pedophile content"... More on this subject in chapter 7.}

However, I liked the idea of the site itself and also discovered an alternative to child pornography (from which I always tried to stay as far away as possible) in the form of pages with little photomodels, which I started to visit regularly and collect such photographs. (I have always preferred these looking at least quite innocent, because the licentiousness in such photographs has always annoyed me... but even leaving aside moral considerations, I feel that such a thing simply destroys the natural beauty of girls...)

Regarding Bear's views: I think that pedophilia in itself is neither good nor bad, because it is only the perception of children's attractiveness.  Good or bad are individual people, regardless of their sexuality, and, unlike Bear I think as most of you do about any molestation of children, but unlike you (and him too) I don't call it "pedophilia".

3. The origins and main objectives of "the fight against pedophilia"

II All aspects and effects of "the fight against pedophilia"

3. The origins and main objectives of "the fight against pedophilia" 

Every adult, if he or she wants to remain Human, must respect and protect the sexual integrity of children, both physically and mentally/emotional. There can never be any concessions or compromises.

But "the fight against pedophilia" doesn't really protect this integrity. It does not bring anything good and does not save children from such harm, on the contrary. In order for you to understand what I mean, I will now analyse my point of view on what this campaign actually brings.

Contrary to what Bear wrote on his outlawed and now probably no longer existing website, normal people have always and at all times looked on the sexual abuse of children with abhorrence, especially protecting their own from it. Centuries ago societies were very free sexually and morally, not being yet bound by the "commandments" condemning their own sexuality and nature in general. But they knew that to have sex (both in two and in orgies), you have to grow up to consciously define your sexual expectations and boundaries, which children are not able to do.

Although sexual pathologies have unfortunately always happened, for example, the "widespread trend of boys abuse in Ancient Greece" (mentioned by Bear and appearing in some films, for example, "300") is certainly complete bullshit, which you can boldly put between fairy tales.

 However, "The fight against pedophilia" is a very new phenomenon, which only started to develop in the last decade of the twentieth century, and has grown sharply with the advent of the Internet, although it has grown to such monstrous proportions that it seems to be almost eternal.

As I have already written, the driving force behind the development of this social psychosis was the media's abuse of Human empathy towards children.

 The first films were... I remember watching a long time ago a fragment of one where adult sisters and daughters [of some father] told each other their memories of it. One of them was talking during those confessions: "I remember that I was supposed to come to his bedroom wearing a nightgown, but without panties - that's what we used to do (...)".

I was not a fan of such films and I tried to avoid them. They caused me very annoying emotions, like shame, fear...and such a terribly unpleasant excitement associated with them, and that was when I was still going to primary school. After seeing something like that, or even worse, hearing the first news that reached me called "pedophilia", I literally got emotionally sick for days, unable to cope with it. As long as I can remember, I simply suffered too with this hurt, which is related to my sensitivity, as well as to pedophilia directly. (I just love children; in Human terms... ) Besides, I didn't have anyone to talk to about it... {*}

{*Now I know that my sexual sphere 'went crazy' because I was sexually abused when I was about five. Some man made me lick it in... This harm, which at one time - fascinated by the Child Liberation Communists - I denied ("because [then] I didn't feel hurt..."), as I can see now has had quite a serious impact on my sexuality. I had been masturbating from a very early age (certainly as early as the age of seven - generally more than five times a day) and I was experiencing very intense emotions that I probably shouldn't have experienced then... And although I think that the main factor that I never grew up with in some respects was the fall on my head (from about a meter to concrete ground at the age of nine), it was certainly a pathological disorder of my sexual development, and it had a (huge) impact on it.}

 "The fight against pedophilia," to put it broadly, is an apparent solution to the problem; artificially driven by it.

-Since if it weren't for "the fight against pedophilia", which is using the word "pedophilia" to describe crimes and sex offenders, and stigmatizing all men who like children in advance, the overwhelming majority of what you call "pedophilia cases" wouldn't happen.       AND IT WOULDN'T HAPPEN WITH ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY!

When the above mentioned films "did their job" and more and more cases of child sexual abuse{*} started to appear, then the media became involved, each such "spectacular" case being publicized (as much as possible) and called "pedophilia". I will come back to this case yet...

{*I don't know the statistics, but blindly I can bet that if you look at them, there were several times as many rapes of children and other similar abuses at the end of the '90s (in Poland and in all countries "fighting pedophilia") as there were at the beginning, and the real 'blossom' of what you call "pedophilia" is only the 21st century.}

One of the main goals of "the fight against pedophilia" is to induce such a strong common psychosis that all pedophiles have no opportunity to talk about their sexuality in any way. We are forced to remain silent about our fascinations, emotions and all the problems connected with it, from the moment we start to grow up, unable to get any help (more about this in the next chapter).

This psychosis tightly separates whole generations of people and destroys social relations. When I was still young, it often happened that people talked me out; in the street, at the bus stop, when I was walking with my dog... Now such a thing doesn't really happen now and not only in adult-child relations, but generally between people, often even neighbors...

There are many other purposes, such as: causing various mental/sexual disorders, resulting spiritual destruction of the Human being, taking children away from their parents (literally, as well as in terms of shaping their knowledge and way of thinking), a temporary way of destroying individual uncomfortable people (including me, for example), causing many cruel crimes and domestic pathologies thanks to this psychosis (I will write a lot about this), commonly called "pedophilia". ..And of course 'wonderful', because a very profitable business (in the form of media news or running associations/foundations "fighting pedophilia"), which explains the 'need' of the previous one...

However, the main objective of "the fight against pedophilia" is to create and sustain the existence of a "public enemy of NO 1", which complements and completes all other objectives of this campaign. All tyrants to secure their power always needed to have such a 'enemy', which nobody publicly, or even in their own family, dared to gainsay in any way. {*} Dear readers, I assure you that you will not now find a second such subject as "pedophilia", where everyone; Whites and Blacks, law-abiding and thieves, democrats and monarchists, fascists and anti-fascists, Catholics and atheists, rich and homeless ... would speak with one voice.

{*Once, when those lustful sadists from the Catholic Church had full power in Europe, trampling it with hunger and darkness, then homosexuals and witches were perfectly suited for that role. The punishment for homosexuality was the so-called "papal pear", which ripped people apart from the inside, and for taking an interest in the occult (i.e. learning true spirituality) - torture and stake. Now people have become too wise and too independent to let be bullied in such way. However, "The fight against pedophilia" is a much more calculated tool, because this thing, on the one hand, is absolutely rightly condemning the sexual abuse of children, but in another way that it actually contributes to it and much more...}

4. The impact of "the fight against pedophilia" on pedophiles

4. The impact of "the fight against pedophilia" on pedophiles 

Generally speaking;
Yes, it can be assumed in advance that if someone abuse children, he is rather for sure a pedophile. (It is also clear that any such behaviour, and aware contributing to it, for example by supporting child pornography, are crimes that must be punished and eradicated...!) However, it is not being a pedophile makes them criminals (besides, it makes no difference to the victims whether or not they are pedophiles), but calling them 'pedophiles', because of their crimes and these crimes - 'pedophilia' - inevitably contributes very much to the creation, reproduction and breeding of this pathological phenomenon!

And by the way, to ruin the lives of everyone like me...

In order to finally break down the arguments that I 'stick to the words', that I don't harm children; such as me "aren't classic pedophiles" or "that pedophilia isn't deepened in them" and all that kind of crap (...), I will now analyse precisely and thoroughly the impact of "the fight against pedophilia" on pedophiles themselves, as well as try to bring you a picture of a real average pedophile, using many years of thinking about the subject and a bit of my own experience.

At the age of around 13-15, when "the fight against pedophilia" was already developing and my addiction to masturbation was raging, I had very drastic and sadistic sexual 'fantasies' (I won't give away the details...). I didn't know where the reason for this was, but I often took part in it, even though already then on a conscious level my pedophilia was associated with empathy and desire to protect children.

I was already well aware of the harmfulness of "the fight against pedophilia" on my life. All my suicidal attempts at addiction and other harmful and shameful deeds, such as playing "the street boy", which ended with several sentences and a fourteen-month in jail{*} - all this was based on my inept attempts to find myself in this world, which feeling completely insecure and [even] potentially understanding me in my external perception of my sexuality, effectively prevented me .

{*For the sake of clarity, I know I deserved it. For all I've done, I've been punished fairly mildly anyway... This paragraph is not any 'excuse', but an attempt to illustrate the cause and effect relationship for you, because I am sure there are many similar stories and there will certainly be many as long as "the fight against pedophilia" continues.}

And it's not about accepting any of my erotic fantasies about children - as I've already written, I don't claim any 'rights' to children as a pedophile, but on the contrary, I condemn something like that. I simply mean to accept me as I am - a sensitive and empathetic man who did not choose his own sexuality, and yet always tried to act Humanly and try to find his way in this world, constantly and consistently telling him the "monstrosity" of his "deviation".

It wasn't until I got over my addictions taking thanks spiritual development (yoga, breathing exercises, etc.), I was able to look at the cause of my sick youthful fantasies. It was "the fight against pedophilia", which was exemplary in its function of telling pedophiles "the evil lurking in them".  Bombarding me from all sides when I was growing up, "what kind of pedophilia is terrible and disgusting", "what horrible deviants are pedophiles", "that pedophiles are only hurting children". -"fighting against pedophilia" was successful already on the threshold of my sexual awareness to make me such a monster, fortunately only in my visions...

A pedophile, growing up in today's world when he realizes his sexuality, is first confronted with an attempt to define himself in the context of "the fight against pedophilia". I am 1000% convinced that at this stage, among Humans, the overwhelming majority of pedophiles (~99.9%) try to cut themselves off from the "pedophile" created by the media.

..And not just outside, but inside. People generally have Human emotions, generally called empathy, which suggests to them not to harm innocent people, especially small helpless children. And here comes the first problem. An adolescent pedophile, instead of just cutting himself off from the pollution of children innocence  (as it should be healthy and normal), starts a clumsy battle with his own sexuality. He tries to renounce his own nature...

Christianity has also played its part here. The mainstream would not have fooled us into "the fight against pedophilia" if it had not first convinced us of the "sinfulness" of our nature and defiled our sexuality. (e.g. "immaculate conception"...) Here lies the overriding problem - Humanity instead of seeing in its sexuality something beautiful, creative, sensual... thanks to this "religion", sees in it "evil", which must be tamed and fought. {*}

{*If it wasn't the so-called "religions," there wouldn't be a "prohibition of faggotry" right now, and nobody would be molesting on anyone's sexuality. This is not only about public forums and homosexuals, or other differences, often called "deviations"... I am sure that currently in the overwhelming majority of relationships there is no absolute freedom and honesty about one's own desires or sexual fantasies...}

I don't mean, of course, that people like me should develop their sexual fantasies with children as long as they don't make it happen. It's hard to cut yourself off from what I know from my own experience, but every pedophile should tame it in himself, because it could be dangerous for him and of course for the children around him (because the line between fantasies and reality may blur). Generally, in my opinion, the most important thing here is to unlearn [dreaming] about sexual contacts with children themselves. {*}

{*I think there are two ways to both morally and safely realize libido for pedophiles who are lonely and masturbating to legal children's pictures. (Because from a spiritual (occult) point of view, is not insignificant what someone imagines, even if they don't materialize their own ideas, (especially during masturbation...)) The first one is "pure admiration", i.e. masturbation without imagining any contact with the child on the photo. The second is the use of children's photographs as avatars for sex-loving Goddesses, or your own thought-forms. I'm going to describe this topic in detail in a separate post, so now I'm going to write only that although it may seem stupid, meaningless or schizophrenic at first glance... but it's actually a much easier and safer way than the former... For those who are interested: you don't even have to believe in the existence of Beings with whom you will imagine having sex, as long as you learn to see in your preferred pictures those Beings (mature, conscious, independent, and ready and willing to have sex) and not the children (childish, unconscious and vulnerable) who are immortalized in it. For all readers I will add that this is something good, because it effectively unlearn the dreams/images of any touching [innocence] of children...}

Every pedophile should first of all realize that children do not need sex. {*} - Unlike what the Communists of Child Liberation or similar organizations say... They generally use a butterfly as their symbol, the symbolism of which, in my opinion, perfectly reflects the beauty of children. However, they seem to forget that the butterfly's beautiful wings must not be touched because it will damage its unique beauty. -And that's what this wonderful allegory is all about. The most beautiful thing in children is their innocence - and anyone mustn't destroy this beauty.

{*It's true that every being has a sexual need at every level of the needs pyramid, as Maslow put it. But the sexual need of children is realized in a slightly different way, for example by maternal caresses, or masturbation, which children must not be forbidden to do, nor teach in the same way (at least, to set a boundaries, for example, during public masturbation...) - they will find and cope with it themselves... -this is just this "germination"...}

Once a paedophile realizes his sexuality, the part of his fascination with children's beauty is usually hidden deep inside himself, leaving the "well perceived" side of it outside{*}. This does not become a big problem then, but it does leave the inconvenience of never being himself completely. (Which adult guy would now openly say that he loves to look at pretty little girls?) But of course he lives with it somehow - falling in love with his adult partner, never revealing his innermost fascinations, having his own children (who loves and respects what love involves - at least should...) and, of course, inexorably "fighting against pedophilia".

{*I think every pedophile has it and pedophiles who consider themselves "exclusive" * (means that they supposedly like only children), is the effect of psychological suppression. (as this is the case with pedophiles, who "fight against pedophilia" only that the reasons for the suppression in both these cases are as if opposite). Moreover, I think that every person has something in his or her sexuality that he or she is ashamed of, in the present Christian, Islamic, "street" or some contemporary (common) perception of it...}

The situation is worse when, as it was with me, pedophilia goes hand in hand with some emotional immaturity and, consequently, loneliness.

A pedophile who lacks relationships with people, during sexual adolescence, sinks into his own world of delusions and fantasies. Normally, as everyone wants to love and be loved, so sexual frustration appears, destroying such people from within.

In cases of feeling of complete social alienation, in my opinion, it is even impossible for such a person not to have any sexual perversion. It can range from sadomasochistic tendencies to, for example, some perverse or even disgusting fetishes... While the former is not currently associated with something very "perverted", it may take on drastic dimensions and have tragic consequences... {*}

{*More on this in the last chapter of this section.}

Normally, such a pedophile would talk to the first better psychologist or psychiatrist without even having theoretical friends and someone to talk to. And don't say by chance that we can do that now, because I personally tried with many. Some referred me to sexologists, frankly explaining that they are not experts in this field. But there were those who tried to pretend to be specialists and experts, clearly showing their reserve to me... Others, on the other hand (because such people also happened), tried to let me know that they were on my side, but that I wouldn't fight, because I won't win. "The cherry on the cake" was a psychiatrist who, on her second visit, told me official (dry) tone that she wouldn't call the police, but I wouldn't find any help from her because she don't deal with it... -So, translating into informal language: "fuck off, pervert, or I'll call the police!" Is this the way the doctor should do, who has the patient with the problem? Hmm...

In the current situation almost all pedophiles have to deal with their sexuality alone. Those who also remain alone in other aspects of society are forced to 'go crazy'. Drugs and alcohol (also ready-made solutions for artificially fuelled problems{*}) are such a first step to "deal with this problem", and indeed to annihilate oneself.

{*If you have any doubts, I recommend you get to see the cult youth films. Find me one where there are no drugs...}

There is a chance that the pedophile at this stage will still manage to stop destroying himself by finding his wife. If a lonely person has never managed to discover his "perverted" fascination, there is a good chance that he will manage to live a normal life while maturing. It is worse when, for example, he has persuaded himself to have sexual relations with children through such as Child Liberation organizations, and/or watching child pornography, accompanied by years of masturbation along with dreams of materializing his 'desires'.

When such a pedophile builds his own family, there is a very real danger that he will molest or even rape his children. Yeah, I'd say, they're divided into two parts. One are 'sexually impulsive', who suddenly explode with their 'needs', often terminally injuring their children (...). The others are "calculating strategists", who will quietly molest them for years, even in secret from their wife.

This is because, regardless of age, children experience sexual pleasure and when this is done without causing them pain, they are generally unaware of the harm that happens to them, which will appear as psychological sexual problems. Therefore, they will often be happy to 'play' this 'strange but quite pleasant fun', remembering that 'it's in secret from Mommy'{*}. Nowadays, in the growing up children who start to notice this harm, it is still strongly intensified by the feeling of being victims of "pedophilia"... Child Liberation and other organizations of this kind are right that "the fight against pedophilia" is in itself one of the causes (a kind of 'catalyst') of this sense of harm, but not the only one, as they claim...

{*Of course, molesting women do happen too, but they are much more likely to be men, because women are less likely to be pedophiles (as opposed to men, women generally prefer older partners, due to some general sexuality of our species. ), and even if they do not feel the social pressure of "fighting pedophilia" as men do ("monster-pedophile" is always a man...) and it does not make such a mess in their emotions (...). But personally, what I heard once on TV about some molesting "nuns" that "it's not as terrible as cases of pedophilia in church (...)", I consider absurd! I don't understand this "distinction"! - First of all, does it mean that if someone has no dick between legs, she does less harm to children by molesting them?! And secondly, how do you describe a woman's sexuality, which is attracted to children if not "Pedophilia"?!}

Even worse consequences occur when a pedophile remains alone and with a sense of social alienation also in adult life.
In such cases, people's sexuality is already starting to go totally crazy after. Looking for their way, they often come across some antithesis of "fighting against pedophilia", such as the communists from Child Liberation already mentioned above, which additionally confuses them in their heads. -"that in past it used to be possible...", "that today's bad world takes away Human rights from children (because it does not allow sex)"...etc., etc. On the other hand, all the time they feel bombarded by telling them "the horrors of their deviation". I would like you to understand that no one has become a pedophile by downloading child pornography, masturbating near a primary school, molesting children, or even more so raping them - that they felt a pedophiles, [those all over the world hated "deviants"], long before they even thought about breaking the law in this case. {*}

{*This kind of dehumanization is always a long process in which pedophilia, as one type of sexuality, plays only an indirect role. "Fighting pedophilia" has a much greater impact on this, and it is always directly responsible for the loss of brakes and ordinary morals, which is by no means called "pedophilia"... And it is not any "deepened pedophilia" either, because like other sex offenders, their perception of the objects of their own sexual fascination is not deepened, but Humanity is reduced...}

When the stimulants and long-term masturbation with the desire to realize their libido have already done their job, the second stage begins - the search for 'better' satisfaction. The sexual sphere of pedophiles left alone with it is like a hole that is constantly growing. -With no way to fix it (even talking to ANYONE about it), such a man starts looking for alternative experiences, because not only he feel lonely, he still feels stoned around the world as a pedophile, even though he hasn't done anything wrong. (at least yet)

The most common is the "crossing of sensations", i.e. combining masturbation with drugs. For example, I masturbated after amphetamine. During the longer abstinence from this 'entertainment' (sometimes I managed to do six months and more) I often told myself that "I love it and hate it". Almost every time I've been after... -with a bitten tongue, with cramps all over my body, with a macabre swollen (...), I promised myself that nevermore...!!! But every time this 'love', or the desire to satisfy oneself at all costs, prevailed over the reasonable hatred for one's own stupidity of destroying oneself... Did it give me any happyness?

Amphetamine works in such a way that you can do it for a very long time (but without an erection) and create for yourself an 'alternative world', which then seems to be more real than during a simple masturbation. Looking for stronger and stronger 'impressions', when I was close to the end of 'fun', I started to 'eat up' the amphetamine to extend it. My 'record' was about forty-eight hours almost continuously... And just to be clear: I don't boast - I mention it with disgust and horror, but I'm also extremely happy that by taking my spiritual development I have freed myself from it once and for all.

{Fortunately, I only hurt myself... So don't ask for details, because it's a completely closed chapter in my life that I don't want to go back anymore. Besides, if you're familiar with drugs, don't EVER try it! Now that I have discovered the joy of living in spiritual exercises, I am opposed to all drugs, especially such a poison as amphetamine, but taking it alone is not even half as destructive as with masturbation... These sleepless nights have led me to many suicide attempts, almost a complete toothache, almost a heart attack and complete insanity...}

I firmly believe that almost all paedophiles have empathy and doing any harm to children is completely against their inner principles. This is also because they are fascinated by the beauty of children. Isn't it a Human characteristic that we want the good and happiness of those whose beauty we admire? You tell me that the media are constantly talking about pedophiles which harm children. That's right, but I can assure you that it's not even a percentage, it's just a tiny little bit of a promille of all pedophiles. And just to be clear, I'm gonna explain to you exactly what the role of "the fight against pedophilia" is in the creation of this little promille.

In addition to the "crossing of sensations" there may also be an interest in child pornography. I mention that I consider something like this to be a registered crime, and those paying for it and masturbating to it, as the same criminals as those adult "actors" performing there...

{Generally child pornography as well as this "ordinary" is the antithesis of "immaculate conception." Like "religions", it exists to destroy the sexual nature of Human (creating an "alternative" pattern to 'holiest asexuality' - and you can choose what is 'better' for you... ), because it always shows something degenerate. This "ordinary" pornography denaturalizes the beauty of sex (naturally deeply emotional), 'mechanizing' it and reducing it to impassively copulating, and teaching harmful things like licking anus or putting a penis down throat (...) - this is in almost every pornography, and some go even further... Child pornography, on the other hand, degenerates the very essence of sex, as something conscious and voluntary, even if it is filmed in such a way that some pedophiles have the impression of joy and 'voluntary' of children participating in it.}

In my opinion, the main factor in the formation of these media "pedophiles" is to tell them that. -"pedophilia is a terrible deviation", "pedophiles aren't Humans" "Pedophilia is disgusting, terrible... and so is this." After all, some people as if to say 'crack'{*} and make these monsters out of themselves. The mixture of these curses and their own frustration is finally overwhelming them... Of course it's always their free will and you must never excuse anyone for 'being trapped', but I want to make you realize that as long as you "fight pedophilia", it's [indirectly] also your fault...

{*It's happening the same way as it is with the ad audience. Most people try to defend themselves against a suggestive attack by advertisers on their wallets, but there are those who fall into their traps... This suggestion is to tell pedophiles how terrible they are all the time. These media monsters, even after being castrated, will not stop being pedophiles. Other pedophiles who will never hurt any child will not escape from their pedophilia either. Certainly no one has ever managed to change their own perception of the objects of sexual fascination.}

It is simply statistically impossible for any of these seeds to grow; by casting so many curses on pedophilia you will not be able to create more monsters in this way. If you really want to make sure that no more childishly harmful pedophiles emerge by you, then stop casting these curses on us! {*} Give us a chance to show that we can also act in a Human way, always stigmatizing any sexual behaviour towards children, of course, but accepting that they can be beautiful for us, so that we don't feel like the monsters you want to see in us!

{*The trap of "fighting pedophilia" is in the words. Properly used words can have a powerful power to influence reality. The statement by the Egyptian God Toth that "In the beginning there was a word" (stolen by Christianity) refers to this. Words, strongly charged with emotions and directed towards a given goal; they can shape something (someone) or destroy it (like an idea in "Inception"...).
The first and most important word here is the word -pedophilia. In Latin it literally means "love for children". (The same Latin prefix that means child, contains words such as "pedagogue" or "pediatrician") However, de facto, it defines the fascination with the sexually beauty of children. That's all. I see nothing wrong with the fascination itself, and every Human being (not only pedophiles) can and should be in control of their libido.
The second point is the word "fight". If you want the world to normalize, so that your children are not afraid to walk on the streets, so that you become a community again and stop seeing enemies in you, you just have to stop fighting against pedophilia. But you wouldn't have to "fight" against child abuse in the normal world either. The police don't fight, they just catch and neutralize; prosecutors and courts don't fight, they just accuse and convict; prison staff don't fight either, they just enforce sentences. (by the way, such as Kid Protect organizations don't fight either, they just try to prevent with poor effect...)
If the system works justly and efficiently, there is no need for any social fight against any criminals, and they will simply think fifty times before committing any crime because of the consequences that restore dignity and Human rights to their victims. (which, not knowing why they are now entitled...)
But when doing a social campaign to fight against something, the mainstream managers know very well that some people give a pattern of "evil" in this way and simply grow this problem.

So think next time, if it is worth to support "the fight against pedophilia" and to spread, "like" and comment on how 'wonderful' and 'noble' this propaganda is. Besides, it is interesting how many of you who publicly supported this "cure for pedophilia" would shoot themselves by... in the head...?

My father once asked me how I'm going to explain to the families and loved ones of people hurt by "pedophilia" to stop fighting it? And that's it: by making them aware of the indirect cause of this harm. As long as you are throwing the seeds of your hatred towards this 'deviation', you will inevitably reap the fruits of further sexual abuse and such crimes, because "fighting pedophilia" you don't attack sexual criminals, but all pedophiles (even 11/12-year-olds who are aware of their "deviation"), regardless of their current sexual activities and choices. Hate and eradicate those which harm children; not only sexually, but understand and let it be known that children can and will be attractive for many people ever - people who, because of their empathy, in the overwhelming majority will never even consider any abuse of them, even if it was accepted, as in some Islamic countries or among the elite in the Middle Ages.

You tell me this used to happen before. Of course, every era has its own criminals... But Trynkiewicz (Polish 'pattern' of "pedophilia", raped and killed two little boys) used to happen one in a decade, and how many child sexual abuses are there now a year? Stop pretending that you don't see it - "the fight against pedophilia" has its specific goals and is certainly not one of them to protect children.

Another factor that has certainly pushed many pedophiles into abuse and crime is a very common but completely unnoticed dissonance. On the one hand, "the fight against pedophilia" has built a tight wall between (foreign) adults and children. On the other hand, the common fashion is very sexualizing children, while at the same time "the fight against pedophilia" is consistently telling 'the public' their 'asexuality'{*}.

{*This is complete bullshit, if only considering the BASICS of physiology. Besides, in my opinion, in order to effectively protect children from any abuse, it is worth to understand their immature sexuality. However, "the fight against pedophilia" has become so commonly and uncritically accepted that even those who act on the side of Humanity, exposing all other common harmful mechanisms of the mainstream, the greatest and most courageous thinkers of our times, when confronted with the subject of pedophilia, are ready to testify to such nonsense...}

I will mention this 'wall' in more detail in the context of the children themselves (next chapter), but I think that each of you is still aware of its existence, whether you see its negative sides or not. But when it comes to sexualizing...

Children's fashion imposes it and I mean girls. In boys thread, it is hard for me to rate them, because in general I do not have any homosexual inclinations. Of course I love all children and I want to protect their welfare{*}, but sexual taste is not the same.

{*As the "children welfare", I understand, above all, a happy, carefree childhood, full of their parents' love and wise protection so that they don't have to grow up too early or get burned by their natural naivety.}

Shops, like "5 10 15", are filled to the brim with clothes that sexualize girls. For example, adjoining leggings or summer blouses that reveal a little bit of tummy. And the colors... Even panties (not to mention bathing suits) are usually 'sexy'... I don't want to condemn it explicitly, because I just like to look and admire this beauty, but I think it has already gone a bit too far. {*} And all that hypocrisy about it - pretending that noone see it..

{*When I looked at the girls, they used to become "butterfly" (my personal naming) somewhere like this at least five or six years old. Nowadays, I happen to be delighted with even less than three years old... Is it 'my pedophilia has deepened'? I don't think so. In my opinion, it was caused by this sexuality and many "daddy's daughters" and/or "mummy's daughters" are being made "for the deity" at more and more younger age, which, in my opinion, teaches them to perceive their own beauty too quickly and thus to show it. I don't consider myself an expert here, but it seems to me that this is quite a serious problem. Besides, the most beautiful butterflies are the ones that are the longest caterpillars... That's why it's not worthwhile to interfere with this transformation...}

Besides, back to the pedophiles. On the one hand, you are prohibiting us from expressing our sexuality in any way, you are strictly forbidding us from even normal contact with children{*}, and on the other hand you are making this forbidden beauty as visible as possible to our eyes... Most pedophiles not only don't look for contact with them, but they are even PANICKY afraid of children! -How can they be unmasked and completely destroyed socially, if they wouldn't control their gaze for a moment... For many, it becomes a kind of paranoia...

{*"Normal" is like saying hello on the street, asking for an hour or even a smile. This "wall" effectively eliminates all healthy expressions of intergenerational relations...}

And then you're surprised that some of them in such situations, left alone for life with this, simply lose their mind. They lost it by fitting into the media pattern, so of course they deserve severe punishment, but I guess it is better to prevent such situations than to punish them!? And if you want to effectively prevent, then stop invoking (summoning) the "enemy-pedophile" once and forever! Just like every other summoned phantom, this one without the invocation will lose its power to materialize...

In conclusion, I want to make you realize that pedophilia isn't terrible, disgusting, anyway... Pedophilia is not a deviation. The real deviation from Human normality is the lack of respect for the integrity and innocence of children. It's all kinds of harming them... And finally stop saying this disrespect and attribute this disrespect to [all] pedophiles, often very frustrated and with a huge sense of harm, that you have taken away their identity and you are telling them evil, which in the overwhelming majority is definitely not part of their nature.

At least not mine for sure. I haven't committed any sex crimes in my entire life. And I know for sure that I'm a classic and exemplary, child-loving and admiring beautiful little girls-pedophile...


Before I published this work, and even before I started writing it, I got a suggestion from several different people not to call myself a pedophile, If I don't hurt and I don't intend to hurt children. I hope that now it's clear to you why I can't give up this term - I'm just not an exception in this matter, and if it was just about me, I could actually accept that I'm not that 'monstrous'  "pedophile".

Only that if you won't change your terminology towards child abuse criminals and your attitude towards the only fascination with children's beauty, and you won't allow yourself that this is the point of this problem, then still every pedophile who grows up will have difficulty in defining, understanding and accepting his sexuality, and your children will still be threatened by those who won't cope with it.

5. The impact of "the fight against pedophilia" on children

5. The impact of "the fight against pedophilia" on children 

I hope I don't have to convince you that something bad is going on with the children now...

Children themselves sometimes try to use "the fight against pedophilia" for their own purposes, for example by threatening such a slander (fathers or teachers), which was even ridiculed by TV cabarets, which in my opinion is not funny at all. But the problem here goes much deeper.

Children, as 'sacred untouchables'{*}, I'm afraid they often feel left alone... I think it is not even the fault of the rush of life at the time and the "rat race" that forces parents to work more (than raise), but the dysfunction of the family institution itself in terms of feelings and emotions. "Stress-free upbringing" is, in my opinion, not upbringing, although on the other hand I think that beating children is rightly forbidden. Life is full of various stresses and anger should not be suppressed. (which doesn't mean aggression at all, because aggression is the result of not coping with anger... ) Healthy upbringing is based on healthy experiencing and showing all feelings and emotions (as in any healthy relationships), which I have the impression that currently most people cannot do...

{*And I don't mean sexual abuse, which is obvious and desirable to protect children from it. One of the side effects of "the fight against pedophilia" is a tight wall. It consists in the fact that children feel fear of any contact with foreign adults and vice versa - foreign adults (especially men and not even necessarily pedophiles) are simply afraid of children. Such an extremely pathological example of depicting this wall to you was a five-year-old, or even younger, girl who drowned in the river. I don't remember the exact details (news from a few years ago... ), but I do remember that there was a witness who saw her walking alone towards the river. He didn't follow her because "his life was still nice for him"...! (as he said himself) What killed her?! If it hadn't been for your sacred and noble "fight against pedophilia", this girl would be alive now! Unfortunately, there have been many more such things in the last few decades in the world...}

..And it's not even your fault. Simply showing emotion in today's world is commonly 'unfashionable' or even 'embarrassing'. (I don't intend to write more about the upbringing itself, because I just don't want you to feel 'taught' by me...) Adding to that the fact that many people doubt how you can and cannot touch children, thanks to "the fight against pedophilia", a complete mess comes out of it... But first I will deal with this 'sacred untouchability' - its depiction and consequences.

The world is watching children at an increasingly young age fall into addictions, fight, or even break one of them in a group, and take on other negative patterns of the older generation. And anyone doesn't react. Everyone is simply afraid in any way and in any situation to pay attention on foreign children.

As far as cigarette addiction is concerned, it's worth dealing with in detail, because I think this is a very serious problem. It's even more serious than alcohol or cannabis, because cigarettes are much more addictive and are much more accessible to children. Besides, they don't cause such opposition or outrage even for many parents, not to mention [often intimidated] teachers... This is not strictly related to the main topic, but indirectly, of course, because "the fight against pedophilia" effectively makes it impossible to look in depth at any contemporary problem affecting children.

When I went to primary school, several people (children) in our school smoked. I started to smoke 'only' at the turn of primary and secondary school. (at the age of fourteen) -Well, I happened to smoke a few times before, for which I probably got beating twice...  Why did I start? -Because I got signals from everywhere that "cigarettes are for adults" and that's why I'm not allowed to smoke. On the other hand, my peers and a little bit older encouraged me to 'learn' it and also impressed me a little. -I saw it as 'freedom'. So, I wanted to be adult and free...

I guess I wasn't eighteen when the "Stop 18" campaign came out. I remember that the first part of this campaign was a spot in an advertising block with "Mr. Yapa"(Polish TV idol for children from '90). It was like this: two little boys want to buy cigarettes and wonder how to do it. One of them comes up with an idea and sticks a paper face of some adult from the newspaper. He walks into the shop and points out with his finger that he wants to buy cigarettes. "Mr. Yapa," as a shopkeeper, sticks a nipple on his 'face' and shows him the "Stop 18" sign.

I wasn't quite grown up at the time, but I remember how outraged I was by that spot. I thought to myself right away - "What idiots, just now the children will be smoking...!". Now I know that it wasn't idiocy, but perfidy and calculating... Because what was the message? "You can't smoke because you're a little shit. You'd better get a nipple..." What was the kids' answer? You take the nipple yourself, we'll show you how grown-up we are! (smoking cigarettes...) In my time, a few used to smoke, nowadays most 12-year-olds and even younger ones smoke... Of course, it is not wise to prove one's maturity, but in such a situation it is very predictable. -especially by Phillip Morris, who has sponsored this campaign from the beginning...

You have another fight, which is counterproductive, from (SEEMINGLY) intentional. And a truly effective solution is simple. Talking to children about the harmful consequences of this shit, not in a preceptorial way; about age ranges and who can and cannot...

The creation of a "separate genre" of children, which "the fight against pedophilia" does, also has its pathological consequences in the relations of children themselves.

The first thing I came across personally, when I was still a regular facebooker, was the desire to break away from this 'otherness' among children themselves. I used to go to "like for like" groups, where there were always lots of children and I came across a certain trend among them... Do you know what is the most painful insight that children throw at each other in such forums? "KID"! {*} "Pecking Theory" is that the 11-year-olds get that "offensive word" from the 13-year-olds, but the 13-year-olds from the 15-year-olds... -and so, in different compartments, the older ones tease to a bit younger ones...

{*And by the way, again, the law that was ostensibly meant to protect children - the ban on having facebook under the age of thirteen - has the opposite effect to this 'intended'. In fact, it serves to persecute slightly older children to a little bit younger, because it is enough to 'lie' with the age and even a few years old children are able to start their own facebook. (this is reality, not my hypothesis) And so this law even gives a reason to "hate" very young people from whom it was supposed to protect them...}

You'll probably say it's nothing at all. And I think it's a serious problem because it translates into a very strong desire to 'grow up', which is connected with addictions and other pathologies (with what children associate adulthood with from all over the world thanks to current patterns). But the most important thing related to this is the theft of children's childhood - which should make them happy that they have time to learn and play carefree - that they do not yet have to take part in the "rat race" and responsibility for their lives. The aftermath of "the fight against pedophilia" in the form of a sense of 'otherness' among the young generation (of being inferior) takes away the satisfaction of life from children, which disturbs the whole process of growing up.

The second thing is sexual development. "Fighting pedophilia", assuming children are 'asexual', damages this aspect of Human development, and I mean the deviation from the other way around, which is abuse and other filthy acts against children. This is because people are often afraid to touch their own children, even in a normal Human way and desired for their proper development - again an extremity instead of a natural balance.

There are even countries where this healthy touch over some year has been completely forbidden... Do you know where this leads to? Have you seen the movies from the Nazi "life houses"? There, it hits like these children are all hysterically crying, and the babysitters are taking some other on their hands every now and then, as if impassively and mechanically, like the mortar that needs to be stirred to keep it from freezing... Because a few babysitters, no matter how caring and competent they are, will not replace parents... This is a natural manifestation of child sexuality from the first days of life - children need touch; a healthy, sensitive parental touch! -They get orphan disease without it, whether they have parents or not...

Something like that is destroying Human nature. Orphanage disease is a very serious mental illness, and if untreated it even leads to death! How many recent suicides have we had with children... Hate from peers is one side of the coin, but if those children had a completely healthy situation at home (in terms of feelings, emotions and relationships) - it would certainly never happen! {*}

{*Therefore, I appeal to parents to look more carefully at their children's problems and talk to them more, and not be afraid to seek help from psychologists if you notice any disturbing signs in their children's behaviour. But most of all, you should talk to them like a Human to a Human, because then there is a better chance that the children will not try to hide their problems at all costs... And if you have problems with raising your children, do not be afraid to seek help for yourselves.}

And what does that lead to in consequence? Disturbed sexual development, connected with the feeling of dissatisfaction in this sphere, causes too early manifestation of sexuality, just like in the case of the opposite pole of the child's development - abuse. Children who are not sufficiently cared for (as well as those 'too much') will look for 'some caress' with their own hands (or also among themselves).

Addiction to masturbation is one thing. It leads to abnormal emotional development, which I am an example myself. But in the currently hermetically locked world of children there are also pathological sexual interactions between them. Playing "in the sun", or other such games, consisting in breaking the boundaries among children themselves (which sometimes even thirteen-year-old mothers happen to be) is also an obvious result of "fighting pedophilia" for me. Children treated as a "separate species" start experimenting also in a separate way...

The overall effect of "the fight against pedophilia" in the context of children (hidden and unfortunately very desirable by some) is the destruction of Human ties at family level, which translates into every aspect of life and entire societies. (to be developed in the next chapter) in many countries, the fact that children do not belong to parents anymore but to the state has already become a fact! These children will be adults in a few years. Consider what consequences this has on generations of Humanity, on family relationships, on the transmission of certain patterns, on the perception of the world, on their own sexuality...

6. The impact of "the fight against pedophilia" on societies

6. The impact of "the fight against pedophilia" on societies 

"Fighting pedophilia," its might say, is one big social disease. It forces us to follow a strict path, because it is (seemingly) only a fight to protect children, and almost all current social problems, at least indirectly, have their origin just in "the fight against pedophilia".  I have the impression that, unfortunately, very few people are aware of this, and even if they are, they are afraid to question anything in public, or at least to draw attention to any negative aspect of this collective madness... {*}

{*"I'll add here that even one declared pedophile has found this paragraph exaggerated and excessive. I'm writing specifically - "at least indirectly", because you can't attribute "the fight against pedophilia" to everything bad. But you can attribute a lot, which you will see for yourselves, when you read what I write further...}

The spoilage of family ties, which I mentioned at the end of the previous chapter already has very serious and visible social consequences. In my opinion people generally cease to be social beings... Once in the waiting rooms (for example, to the doctor), or at the bus stops, people spontaneously discuss various topics with the people next to them, or even in the forum. Nowadays, such things rarely happen. Although far away from cities, where there are small local communities and everyone knows each other, you can still see such situations, but in cities, it is rather not at all, unless friends meet.

How does it relate to "fighting pedophilia"? By evoking a social psychosis, where people are constantly taught to perceive potential danger in strangers, the natural consequence is the loss of empathy towards all strangers in their own society. Apparently, this only applies to the relationship between a child and a stranger, where children were constantly told not to contact foreign adults in any way, because it is dangerous... But it is worth realizing that the whole two generations of people in "the fight against pedophilia" have already grown up, and the next ones, even more hurt by this psychosis, are growing up now!

Poland, where I have lived my whole life, has to some extent even managed to defend itself from the worst consequences of "the fight against pedophilia". This is a result of ethnic patriotism, which fortunately in our country hasn't completely died out yet. At least still - although the situation is still bad as far as 'neighbourly relations' are concerned, which they laughed at even in the Polish film "The Day of the Psycho", presenting the "Pole's Prayer"{*}.

*The Poles used to argue often, too, which was just as the cult Bareja films were mocking, but more within the limits of a certain rivalry and on certain principles - more like "those who like each other are pouting"(Polish proverb). It wasn't "I beg you God to destroy my neighbour - that enemy, that reptile..." as it looks today(as well as in this film).

As far as I know, in other European countries, especially France and Germany, the situation is DRAMATIC! What kind of society is it, where you can get your head blown off just by looking into someone's eyes in the subway?! By building a social psychosis, such as "the fight against pedophilia", it's known that eventually everyone will start to treat everyone as strangers, especially in large metropolises where local communities do not exist. Nowadays, they usually don't even exist between neighbours anymore! The very disappearance of social empathy is one thing, but there are other, even more serious consequences...

People who have lost social ties in their own nation also lose their sense of ethnicity. And don't misunderstand me - I am absolutely not prejudiced to Negroes, Asians, Aborigines or Arabs (as long as they respect others, their women... and not hurt them) and any Human races or ethnic groups, but I would like us to remain races and ethnic groups, which "common trends" are trying to take away from us now!

Seeing only the 'enemies' themselves in own society and constantly seeing in the media and films that getting together with foreigners is 'cool and trendy' and hearing from 'authorities' (like Lech Walesa for example) that it's "genetically healthy blood mixing", our nations are annihilating themselves en masse! As I said, I am not an enemy of any Human race. Nor do I have any prejudice against mulattoes or other hybrids, but they are no longer a race. I just want to make it clear to people who enter into mixed pairs that they are annihilating their races genetically and spiritually. {*}

{*"Healthy blood mixing"... Find me at least one crossbreed that wouldn't have any health problems or mental disorders - depression, addictions etc. It may be connected with outstanding abilities, like Whitney Houston's voice, but for what price? But in terms of our ancestors' heritage, mixing blood is simply racial suicide!}

6.1 "The Fight against pedophilia" and self-esteem disorders

6.1 "The Fight against pedophilia" and self-esteem disorders

Since the common fashion strongly emphasizes and enhances the beauty of girls and, on the other hand, the inexorable "fight against pedophilia" continues, there is a certain subconscious reaction in the minds of many women. Being women, they know (at least subconsciously) that the most beautiful were girls. They also feel that most men like narrow hips, not too big firm breasts (although they often say the opposite) and a generally slim figure. Such almost "butterfly beauty"...

On the forum, or even in pairs, nobody talks about it, because it's a taboo subject - deadly danger... (but the "cures for pedophilia" make furore) That's why women often want to remain "butterfly", or worse, they want to return to the physical characteristics of little girls. The extreme manifestation of this is anorexia - indirect deadly taboo effect associated with "the fight against pedophilia".

Anorexia, as well as bulimia, are not really about loathing the food, but about their own appearance. And the important thing to mention is that it is not the appearance that defines these disorders, because it is only their effect, and for example models that look like 'skeletons', are the last stage of anorexia. (before death) Anorexia and bulimia are serious mental disorders, consisting in the desire to restore a girl's figure. (which is strongly promoted by fashion designers) Anorexic women as if they were 'more determined' in this fashion to seek death and, unlike bulimic women, they are able to make themselves permanently repulsive to food, which is a consequence of anorexia; not anorexia itself. Bulimic women dream of becoming anorexic...

I absolutely do not hide the fact that a slim figure, especially legs and buttocks, count for me even more than a face in assessing physical beauty - also women. (although the face counts too, of course, and besides, some non-physical features are very important for me...) But women, who can be seen to be anorexic, have something deterrent to me in their appearance, no offense, but even something hideous... I would really prefer a date with a girl overweighted than with such skeleton...

Please understand, dear girls, that you don't have to torture yourself at all to be happy in life; that below a certain weight you become uglier and not prettier, that no matter how thin you lose weight, your hips won't narrow and you won't have the bottoms like in a seven-year-olds! {*}

{*There are girls who, thanks to their determination and certain genetic conditions, manage to keep their hips narrow during puberty. They subconsciously save their "butterfly" appearance at all costs and are able to remain so slim even until old age. But it must be remembered that this price is sometimes a huge problem at bearing, which I guess is not easy anyway...}

The same goes for the breasts. Some women just don't have them. Dear ladies; girls are pretty without visible breasts because it is natural for them! -and, as with the consequences of anorexia, something like that scares me a lot more than the huge breasts I never liked...

It is worth mentioning here contemporary 'eccentricities', such as pumping muscles with synthol, face with botox, mouth or breast with silicone. There are also the so-called "scarifications", where in extreme situations people resemble corpses... This is not as strongly connected with the subject discussed here as anorexia, but it is certainly always a consequence of difficulties in dealing with one's own sexual sphere. {*} -except for those who promote these trends and make money on it, then this is more of a kind of 'image prostitution'.)

{*This mechanism works in the same way as the one discussed in chapter 14, with even more drastic cases of silent screams of despair and cries for help from people who can't cope with accepting their sexuality...}