poniedziałek, 27 kwietnia 2020

6.3 "Fighting pedophilia" and "bearing a new man”.

6.3 "Fighting pedophilia" and "bearing a new man”. 

"Fighting pedophilia" is generally said to prejudice children. Although I think it is absurd to give all rights to children{*}, as Child Liberation proposes, "the fight against pedophilia" promotes and imposes something counterproductive instead of a healthy balance, as I have already mentioned in terms of the impact of "the fight against pedophilia" on children.

{*Related this thought in chapter 11.}

Systems rooted in Marxism, such as communism and all forms of socialism, have one thing in common - the 'improvement' of people to a certain pattern strictly defined by the system. This is called the "bearing of a new man".

Pure Marxism, called communism, or "real socialism" saw its "new man" in a completely enslaved society; completely equal to the individual. -With no ambition, or any higher aspirations, to realize the economic productivity of the state, strictly defined and controlled by the 'party line'. Therefore, in this "paradise on Earth", the entire intellectual elite ("bourgeoisie", "kulaks"...) had to be eliminated to be able to build something like this.

Today's Euro-socialism (or American socialism) also creates a new man. This "new being" is a man who thinks that he lives in a free world and that he has his own opinion and, thanks to democracy, has an illusory sense of control over what is happening... Of course, no matter how many "ideas" the mainstream wastewater rejects, it is also a man who "fights against pedophilia". Whether or not he sees anything harmful in it or not, he still "fights it", because any attempt to object this 'noble campaign' seems to be far worse than suicide... Thanks to "the fight against pedophilia" and the consequent growth of the "public enemy NO1", even the biggest opponents of the mainstream found themselves in its clutches - in some dependence on it...

In short (because I don't think there needs more to it), the point is that this "public enemy of NO1", which is now a "pedophile", is to be able to manipulate ('polarize') a social moods. For political scandals, scams, or economic/social problems, the media can always draw their 'favourite enemy' to distract attention from them and thus alleviate social unrest... "Anything else people might underestimate, but they just have to be outraged at pedophilia..." The media know this very well and often cynically use it against you... (as a model example for me, it's a Polish case of the ending sentence and the release of the criminal Trynkiewicz, which rolled over and over, effectively distracted attention from the "gambling scandal"...)

And this is how the modern "new man" is created. Consciously, most of you think that everything is all right, subconsciously, or at least in a way that is very deeply pushed out of your consciousness, many of you have some doubts about the correctness of the direction in which the world is currently going, but hardly anyone is leaning out. Because those who have the courage to say what they think, like Korwin Mikke (Polish conservative), are presented throughout the mainstream as dangerous madmen, anti-social or even handicapped... -and people raised on spiritually empty materialism feel safer and more comfortable in the herd. And almost no one who has any doubts about the whole ideology of "the fight against pedophilia" dare to say anything about it, even among the closest family members...

It should be added here that many parents, like the socialist systems in which they live, have also taken on the role of "bearing a new man", only on a micro-scale. And I don't mean the reproductive character of their bedroom... Through some of their own unsatisfied ambitions, unfulfilled desires or failures in life, they try to make 'Super Beings' of their children. They often fail to see that too little free time disturbs their emotional development{*} because they are convinced that their children "will thank them anyway in the future". In addition, "the fight against pedophilia" has taught them to think that children are 'yet to be Human'. -so they often don't see in them beings with their own emotions, problems, concepts, etc., only a diamond, which they have to grind as best they can.

{*Everyone needs a well-balanced time - work, free time and time to sleep on weekdays, and everyone needs a rest from work. Children need even more free time to rest and play, because to the daily hardships of life a person should adjust gradually.}

Such a tragic example of creating 'Super Beings' from children was a young Russian model recently martyred to death on one of the Chinese catwalks. Her mother wanted to make a model out of her at any cost, so this girl ended up in China, because in Russia, where she lived, the possibility of employing models under sixteen years old was forbidden. {*} In my opinion, parents are primarily guilty of her death, although I also don't take responsibility for the fashion designers who employ her, who don't see a Human in her, but only business (and possibly a 'tasty view').  -This is a terrible abuse, for which they should be severely punished, and the rest should learn a lesson to prevent this from happening in the future.

{*Russia aspiring to Western modernity is "fighting very hard against pedophilia", while the Chinese communists apparently don't care too much about it. Where they care too much about it, children are raped, while where they don't care about their fate, they die. - These extremes again... Personally, I think that child modelling, especially photomodelling, should be certainly allowed, but under clearly defined conditions. There should be a worldwide regulation on this issue, which would prevent such agencies and their photographers from taking pictures or films with arranged licentious poses etc. Besides, all such agencies should be closely monitored for any abuse; not just sexual abuse - I think organisations currently "fighting pedophilia" would be well in this role. And one more thing - in my opinion, in order to introduce normality into the whole "children's fashion" industry, they have to stop lying that "this is not about any pedophilia...". I remember the now non-existent page of "Tiny Models Central", where there were the most licentious poses of little girls I've ever seen, although 'without nudity' and 'legal'. Before entering these galleries you could read something like, "it's promoting young talents, it's not about getting anyone aroused, and we're against pedophilia...". -I hate such a crap. Of course, it's about pedophilia in such websites, and it has to make it clear at the outset to think about how to completely effectively protect the integrity and dignity of the children involved. Pretty girls generally love to be admired, so I don't see any contraindications for them to play modelling or photomodelling in their free time, as part of their hobby/self-realisation. But in order to be safe, it is necessary to clean up this business from all lies. Because even the advertisements of "Danone" or others with children are also about pedophilia. -Advertisers know very well that pretty children will attract consumers' attention, that's why in almost all ads with children such pretty slim kids are present there...}

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