poniedziałek, 27 kwietnia 2020

5. The impact of "the fight against pedophilia" on children

5. The impact of "the fight against pedophilia" on children 

I hope I don't have to convince you that something bad is going on with the children now...

Children themselves sometimes try to use "the fight against pedophilia" for their own purposes, for example by threatening such a slander (fathers or teachers), which was even ridiculed by TV cabarets, which in my opinion is not funny at all. But the problem here goes much deeper.

Children, as 'sacred untouchables'{*}, I'm afraid they often feel left alone... I think it is not even the fault of the rush of life at the time and the "rat race" that forces parents to work more (than raise), but the dysfunction of the family institution itself in terms of feelings and emotions. "Stress-free upbringing" is, in my opinion, not upbringing, although on the other hand I think that beating children is rightly forbidden. Life is full of various stresses and anger should not be suppressed. (which doesn't mean aggression at all, because aggression is the result of not coping with anger... ) Healthy upbringing is based on healthy experiencing and showing all feelings and emotions (as in any healthy relationships), which I have the impression that currently most people cannot do...

{*And I don't mean sexual abuse, which is obvious and desirable to protect children from it. One of the side effects of "the fight against pedophilia" is a tight wall. It consists in the fact that children feel fear of any contact with foreign adults and vice versa - foreign adults (especially men and not even necessarily pedophiles) are simply afraid of children. Such an extremely pathological example of depicting this wall to you was a five-year-old, or even younger, girl who drowned in the river. I don't remember the exact details (news from a few years ago... ), but I do remember that there was a witness who saw her walking alone towards the river. He didn't follow her because "his life was still nice for him"...! (as he said himself) What killed her?! If it hadn't been for your sacred and noble "fight against pedophilia", this girl would be alive now! Unfortunately, there have been many more such things in the last few decades in the world...}

..And it's not even your fault. Simply showing emotion in today's world is commonly 'unfashionable' or even 'embarrassing'. (I don't intend to write more about the upbringing itself, because I just don't want you to feel 'taught' by me...) Adding to that the fact that many people doubt how you can and cannot touch children, thanks to "the fight against pedophilia", a complete mess comes out of it... But first I will deal with this 'sacred untouchability' - its depiction and consequences.

The world is watching children at an increasingly young age fall into addictions, fight, or even break one of them in a group, and take on other negative patterns of the older generation. And anyone doesn't react. Everyone is simply afraid in any way and in any situation to pay attention on foreign children.

As far as cigarette addiction is concerned, it's worth dealing with in detail, because I think this is a very serious problem. It's even more serious than alcohol or cannabis, because cigarettes are much more addictive and are much more accessible to children. Besides, they don't cause such opposition or outrage even for many parents, not to mention [often intimidated] teachers... This is not strictly related to the main topic, but indirectly, of course, because "the fight against pedophilia" effectively makes it impossible to look in depth at any contemporary problem affecting children.

When I went to primary school, several people (children) in our school smoked. I started to smoke 'only' at the turn of primary and secondary school. (at the age of fourteen) -Well, I happened to smoke a few times before, for which I probably got beating twice...  Why did I start? -Because I got signals from everywhere that "cigarettes are for adults" and that's why I'm not allowed to smoke. On the other hand, my peers and a little bit older encouraged me to 'learn' it and also impressed me a little. -I saw it as 'freedom'. So, I wanted to be adult and free...

I guess I wasn't eighteen when the "Stop 18" campaign came out. I remember that the first part of this campaign was a spot in an advertising block with "Mr. Yapa"(Polish TV idol for children from '90). It was like this: two little boys want to buy cigarettes and wonder how to do it. One of them comes up with an idea and sticks a paper face of some adult from the newspaper. He walks into the shop and points out with his finger that he wants to buy cigarettes. "Mr. Yapa," as a shopkeeper, sticks a nipple on his 'face' and shows him the "Stop 18" sign.

I wasn't quite grown up at the time, but I remember how outraged I was by that spot. I thought to myself right away - "What idiots, just now the children will be smoking...!". Now I know that it wasn't idiocy, but perfidy and calculating... Because what was the message? "You can't smoke because you're a little shit. You'd better get a nipple..." What was the kids' answer? You take the nipple yourself, we'll show you how grown-up we are! (smoking cigarettes...) In my time, a few used to smoke, nowadays most 12-year-olds and even younger ones smoke... Of course, it is not wise to prove one's maturity, but in such a situation it is very predictable. -especially by Phillip Morris, who has sponsored this campaign from the beginning...

You have another fight, which is counterproductive, from (SEEMINGLY) intentional. And a truly effective solution is simple. Talking to children about the harmful consequences of this shit, not in a preceptorial way; about age ranges and who can and cannot...

The creation of a "separate genre" of children, which "the fight against pedophilia" does, also has its pathological consequences in the relations of children themselves.

The first thing I came across personally, when I was still a regular facebooker, was the desire to break away from this 'otherness' among children themselves. I used to go to "like for like" groups, where there were always lots of children and I came across a certain trend among them... Do you know what is the most painful insight that children throw at each other in such forums? "KID"! {*} "Pecking Theory" is that the 11-year-olds get that "offensive word" from the 13-year-olds, but the 13-year-olds from the 15-year-olds... -and so, in different compartments, the older ones tease to a bit younger ones...

{*And by the way, again, the law that was ostensibly meant to protect children - the ban on having facebook under the age of thirteen - has the opposite effect to this 'intended'. In fact, it serves to persecute slightly older children to a little bit younger, because it is enough to 'lie' with the age and even a few years old children are able to start their own facebook. (this is reality, not my hypothesis) And so this law even gives a reason to "hate" very young people from whom it was supposed to protect them...}

You'll probably say it's nothing at all. And I think it's a serious problem because it translates into a very strong desire to 'grow up', which is connected with addictions and other pathologies (with what children associate adulthood with from all over the world thanks to current patterns). But the most important thing related to this is the theft of children's childhood - which should make them happy that they have time to learn and play carefree - that they do not yet have to take part in the "rat race" and responsibility for their lives. The aftermath of "the fight against pedophilia" in the form of a sense of 'otherness' among the young generation (of being inferior) takes away the satisfaction of life from children, which disturbs the whole process of growing up.

The second thing is sexual development. "Fighting pedophilia", assuming children are 'asexual', damages this aspect of Human development, and I mean the deviation from the other way around, which is abuse and other filthy acts against children. This is because people are often afraid to touch their own children, even in a normal Human way and desired for their proper development - again an extremity instead of a natural balance.

There are even countries where this healthy touch over some year has been completely forbidden... Do you know where this leads to? Have you seen the movies from the Nazi "life houses"? There, it hits like these children are all hysterically crying, and the babysitters are taking some other on their hands every now and then, as if impassively and mechanically, like the mortar that needs to be stirred to keep it from freezing... Because a few babysitters, no matter how caring and competent they are, will not replace parents... This is a natural manifestation of child sexuality from the first days of life - children need touch; a healthy, sensitive parental touch! -They get orphan disease without it, whether they have parents or not...

Something like that is destroying Human nature. Orphanage disease is a very serious mental illness, and if untreated it even leads to death! How many recent suicides have we had with children... Hate from peers is one side of the coin, but if those children had a completely healthy situation at home (in terms of feelings, emotions and relationships) - it would certainly never happen! {*}

{*Therefore, I appeal to parents to look more carefully at their children's problems and talk to them more, and not be afraid to seek help from psychologists if you notice any disturbing signs in their children's behaviour. But most of all, you should talk to them like a Human to a Human, because then there is a better chance that the children will not try to hide their problems at all costs... And if you have problems with raising your children, do not be afraid to seek help for yourselves.}

And what does that lead to in consequence? Disturbed sexual development, connected with the feeling of dissatisfaction in this sphere, causes too early manifestation of sexuality, just like in the case of the opposite pole of the child's development - abuse. Children who are not sufficiently cared for (as well as those 'too much') will look for 'some caress' with their own hands (or also among themselves).

Addiction to masturbation is one thing. It leads to abnormal emotional development, which I am an example myself. But in the currently hermetically locked world of children there are also pathological sexual interactions between them. Playing "in the sun", or other such games, consisting in breaking the boundaries among children themselves (which sometimes even thirteen-year-old mothers happen to be) is also an obvious result of "fighting pedophilia" for me. Children treated as a "separate species" start experimenting also in a separate way...

The overall effect of "the fight against pedophilia" in the context of children (hidden and unfortunately very desirable by some) is the destruction of Human ties at family level, which translates into every aspect of life and entire societies. (to be developed in the next chapter) in many countries, the fact that children do not belong to parents anymore but to the state has already become a fact! These children will be adults in a few years. Consider what consequences this has on generations of Humanity, on family relationships, on the transmission of certain patterns, on the perception of the world, on their own sexuality...

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