poniedziałek, 27 kwietnia 2020

0. Preface

My Defense 

0. Preface

Because of the "reactions" to this work so far, I decided to add this one more paragraph at the very beginning in response to them. Due to the fact that I consider myself a completely normal person in terms of sexuality and that I have absolutely nothing to blame myself for in this regard, I will openly write on the very beginning that I DO NOT CARE whether you will like me or not.… I didn't write this work for a fame, to seek approval, to "whiten myself" (because I have nothing to whiten myself with!), to boast, or to lament -my sexual preferences, or anything like that.… I wrote it TO MAKE YOU AWARE OF A SOME SOCIALLY MEGA IMPORTANT AND MULTI-DIMENSIONAL PROBLEM! As a Man following the Natural Moral Law in life, when it comes to [people who sexually abuse children]{*}, my opinion is simple and as I guess, the same like yours: KILL THEM IS NOT ENOUGH!!!! So I do not have, I never had and certainly never will have anything to do with such mother f....rs! However, for some reasons, I do not call them, that is, [people who abuse children] - "pedophiles" and this extremely pathological phenomenon - "pedophilia".... Why? Because this is, mildly speaking, an incorrect definition of this word{**}, with which the "fight", given its [effects], is not at all a fight against this pathology and on the contrary, and brings only harm..to all of you and also to your children. -even if no "pedophiles" get them, which, by participating in this psychosis, you yourselves indirectly create.... Don't you understand? Do not believe? Then read this page, and I assure you that you will be CONVINCED of this, because I simply PROVE it - WITH VERY MANY CONCRETE, CLEAR AND LOGICALLY CONSISTENT ARGUMENTS AND EXAMPLES.… (Unless this social psychosis that I am describing, analyzing, and exposing here will completely obscure your ability to think rationally while reading further, or will not allow you to read further at all…)

{*Explanation of the meaning of square brackets; brackets [link]}.

{**Wanting to refer me to encyclopedic definitions of the word "pedophilia" I immediately refer you to [here] - the second paragraph and the first bracket below it}

I have entitled this work "My Defense" because I wrote it in defense of myself and my dignity. Although I have not committed any crime from the group of crimes commonly referred as "pedophilia" and I never intend to do so, I still... I consider myself a pedophile. -Since I remember I like girls younger than me, especially the little girls - However, I perfectly understand [why] it is not allowed to abuse children; I have natural care and empathy for them and I absolutely do not support the views described as "positive pedophilia". Besides, I have no problems with controlling my libido in relationships with children and in general. So for the sake of clarity, in the first paragraph, I make it clear that the purpose of this work is not to defend any crimes that you call "pedophilia", which, like most of you, I unequivocally condemn. Besides i VERY RESENT any suggestions I could be a 'possible threat' for children..

With what I've written, I just want to make you realize that this universal "fight against pedophilia" is really something different from what you think. That it is not at all a fight against sexual abuse of children, let alone a spontaneous, social campaign against such crimes.

In order to immediately expose you to "what I mean" in this work, I will write down my main assumptions:
-pedophilia is NOT sexual abuse of children
-pedophilia is only [perception] the attractiveness of children's beauty 
- the word pedophilia does not describe increased libido, lack of empathy, or psychopathy, etc. 
-just being a pedophile doesn't make anyone a criminal 
-"the fight against pedophilia" is NOT a fight against sexual abuse of children
-"The fight against pedophilia" is a major contributor to the scale of sexual abuse of children. (How? -Read my work...)
- something [natural] in our species is the protection of the sexual integrity of children, and "the fight against pedophilia" is [media creation], artificially built on it and impersonating it
-"The fight against pedophilia" has many negative social consequences
-"The fight against pedophilia" is used by the media to make money and manipulate social moods.
-You don't have to be against pedophilia to be against the sexual abuse of children
-the truth about the evolving sexuality of children is a much more solid and understandable foundation against their abuse, such as denying the existence of their sexuality in accordance with "the fight against pedophilia".
-the so-called "positive pedophilia" is NOT the position of all pedophiles and the majority of pedophiles respect the sexual inviolability of children, as well as condemn their abuse, understanding how morally vile it is

All the rest will be a development and an attempt to make these statements credible to you. I would like this work to be read best by the whole mankind{*}. I wrote it mainly to reach out to the general public, but also to pedophiles deluded by the propaganda of so-called "positive pedophilia".

{*"Except children, of course. Although I will write a lot about them, I am well aware that this work should not be read by the youngest for many reasons. Although I also know that I will not be able to avoid it completely, and by writing about it more and more transparently, I would only achieve the opposite effect... Well. I can only be comforted by the fact that if the children look here and read what I have to say to the older generation, maybe they will be able to protect themselves from worse mistakes, which I will describe in detail here...}

I am SURE that when you understand my arguments and make them widely known, it will contribute to the almost complete elimination of child sexual abuse (certainly more than 95%), which is perhaps not the only but certainly the most important goal I want to achieve with this work.

I simply want to repair what has been destroyed by the trap of "the fight against pedophilia", and I will  succeed in doing it only by making you aware of the essence and the enormity of this destruction, by explaining you my point of view on this issue in detail. And I count very much on your courage, because the fact that you will understand my arguments is rather obvious to me...

And if anyone would try to find any "hate speech" in my thoughts... With a hate speech I feel persecuted on all sides since I became sexually aware, and this work is my defense and reaction to it. Besides, I feel that everything I have written is only an attempt to repair Human relationships and a kind of cure for mutual hatred within modern societies.

Disarming this trap is an extremely difficult task, as I am well aware. However, I have decided to try it in the name of defending my own honour and saving the entire Humanity... (at least in my opinion) Apart from this, during writing and later laboriously working out this work, two thoughts all the time were encouraging me. The first was: I believe in myself, and the second: I know I am right. What do you think? Come on, let's read it.

(((I deleted one post about taboo subjects because some informations there were my mistake as I found out. Nothing very important, but I decided so because of my perfectionism. When I fix this post to proper form it will back.)))

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