poniedziałek, 27 kwietnia 2020

3. The origins and main objectives of "the fight against pedophilia"

II All aspects and effects of "the fight against pedophilia"

3. The origins and main objectives of "the fight against pedophilia" 

Every adult, if he or she wants to remain Human, must respect and protect the sexual integrity of children, both physically and mentally/emotional. There can never be any concessions or compromises.

But "the fight against pedophilia" doesn't really protect this integrity. It does not bring anything good and does not save children from such harm, on the contrary. In order for you to understand what I mean, I will now analyse my point of view on what this campaign actually brings.

Contrary to what Bear wrote on his outlawed and now probably no longer existing website, normal people have always and at all times looked on the sexual abuse of children with abhorrence, especially protecting their own from it. Centuries ago societies were very free sexually and morally, not being yet bound by the "commandments" condemning their own sexuality and nature in general. But they knew that to have sex (both in two and in orgies), you have to grow up to consciously define your sexual expectations and boundaries, which children are not able to do.

Although sexual pathologies have unfortunately always happened, for example, the "widespread trend of boys abuse in Ancient Greece" (mentioned by Bear and appearing in some films, for example, "300") is certainly complete bullshit, which you can boldly put between fairy tales.

 However, "The fight against pedophilia" is a very new phenomenon, which only started to develop in the last decade of the twentieth century, and has grown sharply with the advent of the Internet, although it has grown to such monstrous proportions that it seems to be almost eternal.

As I have already written, the driving force behind the development of this social psychosis was the media's abuse of Human empathy towards children.

 The first films were... I remember watching a long time ago a fragment of one where adult sisters and daughters [of some father] told each other their memories of it. One of them was talking during those confessions: "I remember that I was supposed to come to his bedroom wearing a nightgown, but without panties - that's what we used to do (...)".

I was not a fan of such films and I tried to avoid them. They caused me very annoying emotions, like shame, fear...and such a terribly unpleasant excitement associated with them, and that was when I was still going to primary school. After seeing something like that, or even worse, hearing the first news that reached me called "pedophilia", I literally got emotionally sick for days, unable to cope with it. As long as I can remember, I simply suffered too with this hurt, which is related to my sensitivity, as well as to pedophilia directly. (I just love children; in Human terms... ) Besides, I didn't have anyone to talk to about it... {*}

{*Now I know that my sexual sphere 'went crazy' because I was sexually abused when I was about five. Some man made me lick it in... This harm, which at one time - fascinated by the Child Liberation Communists - I denied ("because [then] I didn't feel hurt..."), as I can see now has had quite a serious impact on my sexuality. I had been masturbating from a very early age (certainly as early as the age of seven - generally more than five times a day) and I was experiencing very intense emotions that I probably shouldn't have experienced then... And although I think that the main factor that I never grew up with in some respects was the fall on my head (from about a meter to concrete ground at the age of nine), it was certainly a pathological disorder of my sexual development, and it had a (huge) impact on it.}

 "The fight against pedophilia," to put it broadly, is an apparent solution to the problem; artificially driven by it.

-Since if it weren't for "the fight against pedophilia", which is using the word "pedophilia" to describe crimes and sex offenders, and stigmatizing all men who like children in advance, the overwhelming majority of what you call "pedophilia cases" wouldn't happen.       AND IT WOULDN'T HAPPEN WITH ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY!

When the above mentioned films "did their job" and more and more cases of child sexual abuse{*} started to appear, then the media became involved, each such "spectacular" case being publicized (as much as possible) and called "pedophilia". I will come back to this case yet...

{*I don't know the statistics, but blindly I can bet that if you look at them, there were several times as many rapes of children and other similar abuses at the end of the '90s (in Poland and in all countries "fighting pedophilia") as there were at the beginning, and the real 'blossom' of what you call "pedophilia" is only the 21st century.}

One of the main goals of "the fight against pedophilia" is to induce such a strong common psychosis that all pedophiles have no opportunity to talk about their sexuality in any way. We are forced to remain silent about our fascinations, emotions and all the problems connected with it, from the moment we start to grow up, unable to get any help (more about this in the next chapter).

This psychosis tightly separates whole generations of people and destroys social relations. When I was still young, it often happened that people talked me out; in the street, at the bus stop, when I was walking with my dog... Now such a thing doesn't really happen now and not only in adult-child relations, but generally between people, often even neighbors...

There are many other purposes, such as: causing various mental/sexual disorders, resulting spiritual destruction of the Human being, taking children away from their parents (literally, as well as in terms of shaping their knowledge and way of thinking), a temporary way of destroying individual uncomfortable people (including me, for example), causing many cruel crimes and domestic pathologies thanks to this psychosis (I will write a lot about this), commonly called "pedophilia". ..And of course 'wonderful', because a very profitable business (in the form of media news or running associations/foundations "fighting pedophilia"), which explains the 'need' of the previous one...

However, the main objective of "the fight against pedophilia" is to create and sustain the existence of a "public enemy of NO 1", which complements and completes all other objectives of this campaign. All tyrants to secure their power always needed to have such a 'enemy', which nobody publicly, or even in their own family, dared to gainsay in any way. {*} Dear readers, I assure you that you will not now find a second such subject as "pedophilia", where everyone; Whites and Blacks, law-abiding and thieves, democrats and monarchists, fascists and anti-fascists, Catholics and atheists, rich and homeless ... would speak with one voice.

{*Once, when those lustful sadists from the Catholic Church had full power in Europe, trampling it with hunger and darkness, then homosexuals and witches were perfectly suited for that role. The punishment for homosexuality was the so-called "papal pear", which ripped people apart from the inside, and for taking an interest in the occult (i.e. learning true spirituality) - torture and stake. Now people have become too wise and too independent to let be bullied in such way. However, "The fight against pedophilia" is a much more calculated tool, because this thing, on the one hand, is absolutely rightly condemning the sexual abuse of children, but in another way that it actually contributes to it and much more...}

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