poniedziałek, 27 kwietnia 2020

15. ..the choice belongs to EVERY ONE of you!

III Summary - that's your freedom{*}, or "get out with a pedophile"
{*I'm writing "your freedom" because, as I tried to describe it to you in as much detail as possible in the second part, it's not just about me and pedophilia. "The fight against pedophilia" has a knock-on effect and the problems of not abuse children pedophiles are just the tip of the huge iceberg of social problems that this campaign causes, ignites on and to which it contributes..}

15. ..the choice belongs to EVERY ONE of you! 

I'm already wondering what will happen when I finally publish this work.

Unless the media manage to stifle me and effectively block the spread of my message, which I very much hope for, it seems to me that this will happen in two stages. The first stage will be that this whole mainstream 'public opinion' will pretend I'm not exist. -Well, that's optional, depending on how fast this work will spread. Because in a situation where it will be quite fast, there will almost immediately be a second stage, which is already certain and inevitable if this work sees the light of day in a wide spectrum.

This second stage (or even the first one) will consist in an attempt to impose on you all what you should think about me...

"The mentally sick, after the sentences, as well as the repeatedly hospitalized psychiatric PEDOPHILE (with this 'accent...') and CRIMINAL decided to make a plea to the whole world that how is poor, accusing and spitting on everyone around. He attacks 'the great authorities of this world' and 'religions' and he has delusied himself the mission to save Humanity (...)".

From what all those bending puppets in the glass screen will say about me, that's my image will emerge. It won't be 'word for word' because they will use all their marketing and subliminal tricks, even more so than usual... (maybe they will even try to add something to my resume...) Because their survival will depend on whether they manage to destroy me. It will generally consist in the fact that they will try to instil in you the idea that any support for me is a complete shame, idiotism, madness... -and will condemn you to total political and social ostracism.

I'm not an expert in their tricks, because I wouldn't know how to use them, but I know what they are. First of all: the media are masters of manipulation. Manipulation is somehow connected with lying, although when it comes to the presented events, I have to admit that the mainstream rarely lies directly...{*} Although there is some kind of manipulation in almost all the facts they present, or at least imposing a way of thinking - they do it so long and intensely, and at the same time so subtly and delicately that most of their viewers do not notice it at all, thinking that they have 'their own opinion'.

{*"Rarely" doesn't mean "never". When there's a 'highest need', all those TVNs and so on have no scruples to use a lie. I think it was a very perfidious example of "feasting Iraqis after demolish WTC towers". The feast they showed at that time was not only from another time, but even from another country... As a disgusting method for me to justify in the eyes of the audience... what happened later... Another such example is to show the empty shelves of a Czech hypermarket to show the 'economic crisis' in Russia.}

As far as pedophilia and "pedophilia" are concerned, they have been doing so consistently since they started this campaign at all. I remember that when we first heard this word (90's) on TV with our family in a documentary about a man who founded an orphanage and liked to take pictures with children (something like: "some people think he was a pedophile"), my mother didn't even know what the word meant! -She had to check it in the encyclopedia... (now she denies it, not allowing the thought that she could ever not know "what pedophilia means")

Then they started to summon more and more often in messages and programs like "Attention" the "child abusing pedophile" and that's how they managed to instill idea in you all. They made a successful inception because now most of you think that what you understand by the word "pedophilia" is your own (and eternal) opinion.

The media manipulators will certainly want to impose on you that it is me who try to manipulate you and try to convince you something.

Well. That I'd rather be facing the slander I'm expecting, so here, too, I'm going to overtake the facts...

I openly admit that I am writing this work in such a way as to evoke concrete emotions in you and turn you upside down as emotionally as possible (against all the insights that I have been emotionally sick for many years). But I use it to make you aware of the truth about 'modernity and prosperity' in which we currently live. As I have already written, manipulation always involves some kind of lie, because it is bending or 'coloring' facts for some specific purpose...

But then where do I color, where do I bend the facts? -Let them prove although one word in this work, where I deliberately used a lie for any reason!

And the matter of persuading... As for my view on the commonness of pedophilia, these are my conclusions from certain experiences and observations... But frankly speaking, I don't even want to go deeper into it, leaving aside the fact that it would be unethical in my opinion to give examples or even situations itselves... In fact, I feel sorry for you, because what keeps you in your official sexual poses is called FEAR, which is even stronger than that of death... Therefore, it is good - be and remain flawlessly perfect heterosexuals - but give me the right to live what I demand of you damn!

I have never done anything bad to any child, nor even planned, and I consider all such actions to be the worst filth, so I am convinced that even if I was one not offending children pedophile in the world, I deserve the dignity and respect due to every Human being! Or at least I am asking you to be kind enough to f..k off from me with your "fight against pedophilia"!

My message is simple: Pedophilia is sexuality! No one chooses sexuality and therefore you have to respect it in every form! However, any sexual abusing of children, or making them aware of it, or even putting no boundaries to them, is a filth of their innocence, for which there can never be any acceptance or even the slightest compromise - BUT DAMN, THIS IS NOT ANY PEDOPHILIA!!!

It is necessary to separate sexuality from sexual abuse, as well as morality or customs from crimes that violate the sexual freedom of any person! -Because in Poland we already have an act punish for "pedophilic content" (whatever that might mean...), and crimes that violate the integrity of a Human being in the worst possible way, because those connected with intimacy are called in the codes "custom law", as if the concept of sexual freedom were to dictate some "religious" or socio-cultural customs, and not an ordinary rational approach to the freedom of every being.

However, what you will do and tell about me will first of all depend not on your own opinion about it. Because I am sure that the majority of you will understand the Truth, which I am presenting here. It will depend on your COURAGE{*} - whether you will be able to resist what they will trying hard to instill in you about me... and what they have already instilled in you before, trying to force you to the sheep's obey hatred on this work and lynch on me...

{*All in all, but to a lesser extent, your attitude to my views will depend on whether you decide to give up some form of 'linguistic comfort'. This may sound bizarre, but I'm really think that the difficulty of your 'switching' on this issue may be due to the convenience of bringing this subject down to one word. Well, how else? - Deviants...? It seems to fit, but the general term "deviant" does not necessarily refer to a deviation (from the natural social norm) towards sexual abuse of children. The biggest problem is that there is no such word, so either you will have to break up this invective everything and nothing specifically meaning in your minds to a few different words to define a specific crime against some abused child (as is the case with female rapists), or you will continue to be 'comfortable' and 'safely' "fight against pedophilia"...}

I remember a Japanese gore movie "Grotesque". Although I don't recommend it, as in the case of the "jar", but unlike most films of this type, this one has some interesting message... -that a man, when he realizes that the situation is completely hopeless, usually only then does he gather for courage. Like the hero of this film, when at the end of this she told her torturer that he stinks...

To give you courage, let me say this: if you decide to follow the mainstream and reject my helping hand by spitting at me under their dictates (...), then... YOU WILL DIE! You will simply die, maybe not in this generation, but the system with its destruction of the environment, fuelling artificial conflicts, spreading viruses, further degradation of your souls and mixing your races (which is related to the previous one) SOON ANNIHILATE US ALL!

Besides, if, after reading this work, you continue to "fight against pedophilia" (assuming that your IQ is at least a little bit higher than the mainstream requires from you, so that you could understand my arguments...), still using its terminology and a twisted ideology that equates (mixes, replaces, 'confuses'...) sexuality with sexual behaviour, you will now consciously contribute to everything that you have called "pedophilia" till now! (keep that in mind...)

So if you want to survive and live in a normal relationship with each other, have normal and normally growing up children, create NORMAL societies, as well as be okay with yourself, then you HAVE TO say openly those ETERNAL, MORTAL ENEMIES OF ALL HUMANITY that THEY STINK with their lying and manipulating when they in panic throw at me with a whole arsenal of their invectives as well as psychomanipulative and subliminal tricks...!!

However, if you will not have the courage enough to officially support me, I ask you at least to tell your friends, family and people in general that it's better to read my work personally than to get 'information', or to read its 'shortcuts' from any 'other hand', especially the mainstream.    OR AT LEAST UPLOAD AND SHARE IT! I can't help you if you will not help yourself!

But I swear to you that I will NEVER compromise or make any concessions as far as the Truth is concerned and will not rest in the fight for it as long as the whole present one exists; the destructive, stupefying, and manipulative of Humanity - the lying mainstream as well as Christianity, Islam and any other lying manipulations of Human nature...!

It is enough to show the Truth in a credible way so that it is simply clear - there is no need to impose it on anyone! With 'fire and sword' (or laws...) only lies are imposed; the Truth is enough to NOT COVER and then it will defend itself!!!

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