poniedziałek, 27 kwietnia 2020

16. The steps I suggest to heal Humanity from all negative effects of "the fight against pedophilia"

IV Suggested solutions

16. The steps I suggest to heal Humanity from all negative effects of "the fight against pedophilia"

I know well the fact that this problem has grown to such an extent that it will be difficult to eliminate it 'overnight'.

However, the first and milestone in this area will be people's understanding of the very fact that I am absolutely against making any concessions or relaxing the law in terms of child abusing deviants...! On the contrary, I consider that the ends justify the means and we have to do EVERYTHING WHAT IS POSSIBLE to ensure that such situations occur as rarely as possible, and preferably not at all...

„EVERYTHING WHAT IS POSSIBLE”- it's obviously a strict law, acting preventively on the awareness of potential perpetrators. In short, I am very much in favour of the death penalty and even more severe penalties for those who, for example, rape or torture people for profit, or for fun... And especially when it comes to the most innocent people, children. In my opinion, the scale of leniency of the law for such criminals is inversely proportional to the scale of respect for the victims of these crimes! And I do not think that my opinions on this subject are "extreme" because I am not in favour of cutting off thieves' hands or punishing for drugs at all (wanting not hurts!), unless they are made available to children. -I simply think that Human rights are much more important to me when it comes to victims of crime than some exuberant, universal and stinking Christian 'values', actually just protecting criminals from equitable punishment...

However, "EVERYTHING WHAT IS POSSIBLE" is not only about punishing criminals. Yes, this is the most important thing, bearing in mind the respect for the victims, but in order to eliminate at best the phenomenon of sexual abusing of children from reality, these are even more important and urgent matters.

First of all, the general acceptance of pedophilia as sexuality and the removal of all (ARTIFICALLY ADDED) pejorative meaning from this word. If it seems difficult to you, I will remind you once again that I absolutely do not urge you to change your mind on sexual crimes against children, which NEVER can change if we want to call ourselves Humanity. I just want that pedophiles like me don't feel stigmatized all their lives already from growing up. That they don't have to hide and be afraid to expose their sexual identity all the time... This change I propose concerns only the terminology and general attitude to a common understanding of our sexuality. Because the fact that someone likes children does not mean that they are a potential threat to them in advance. Of course, this is not excluded, but "the fight against pedophilia" is only the driving force behind this potential threat, because in its terminology it does not stigmatize crimes, but just pedophilia, which nobody has chosen...

Only for this to be possible at all, we need full acceptance of sexuality among people. You have to start here with yourself. In other words, each individual must fully accept and get over with his or her own sexuality and the sexual diversity that exists in the nature of our species{*}.

{*There is no "one Human race" - there are several races and many ethnic groups in our species. At least fortunately still... That's why I use the most appropriate term here - "species".}

The second fundamental step, and with regard to the first indispensable in this area, is the total rejection of Christianity, Islam, as well as all other creations originating from Judaism.{*}
{*If anyone at this point thinks, "what I'm sticking at all..." to "peace-loving religions", I refer to the 'holy' books that are the foundation of these creations. I know that even just flipping through these thousands of pages can exceed your ability, so I recommend that you find some 'interesting' quotes on the Internet, both the Bible and the Koran. Then you may find that there is no way to look for some "divine mercy" except that the merciful, forgiving, submissive, weak, poor ... it is only you have to be! -That all the 'good' in these books are only empty 'titles' for their 'god' (from the first to the last "jod" you will find nothing there to justify such titles!) And orders to be 'good' only to make their followers easy victims...!
But the point here is not that you are ordered to be 'good', but to attack and destroy the sexuality and general sexual nature of man! As far as Christianity is concerned, I don't even need to refer to the Bible to show you what I mean, because your general knowledge of dogma is enough. Frederick Nietzsche wrote in his work "Der Antichrist" that "(...) immaculate conception maculated conception (...)". In fact, the matter is even worse because this Christian dogma maculated not conception itself, but all sexuality. Because immaculate by what? SEXUAL INTERCOURSE! The same goes for the "always, now and always..." of Mary's virginity...
In order to be able to heal your sexual sphere, you first need to understand that these kinds of things subconsciously destroy you by making a beautiful, sensual, spiritual act of uniting people who love each other, a concept of 'sin' and something in general...MACULATED!!!!
The view that "faith is a private matter for each of us" is not at all appropriate, because Christianity is not some 'faith', but an imposed on people, a very harmful expression of deception, created for certain specific purposes, the primary purpose of which is to make you "sheep cattle". Christianity is against science, nature, and nous, and has always fought against all scientific developments, above all stigmatizing all Human nature - the entire emotional and sexual sphere of Human, starting with "original sin," forcing a sense of guilt for the "Passion of the Savior" and ending with the fear of "hellfire".
As far as Islam is concerned, I must admit that I am not familiar with its dogmas, but surely the situation is similar. Here the very perception of women as an 'inferior species' is not only a pathology in itself, but also the cause of widespread abuse and many crimes among Muslims, for which in Islamic countries the guilty are often not punished... Islam is simply criminal, and those who deny it, taking the example of the 'moderate' followers of this "peace-loving religion" as an example, I refer once again to the Koran...! In total, Christianity and its bible are similar. The only difference is that, unlike Christians, many Muslims study the Koran, have not yet come out of their own "Middle Ages" and simply take their 'religious teachings' more 'seriously'.
I don't think there is anything more to develop here, because this is not a topic for this work. Christianity and Islam simply attack and destroy Human sexuality, so in order for mankind to heal itself in this field, it is necessary to fight these harmful inventions inside and outside. But I do not support of any attacking or fighting the followers of these 'religions', but of fighting the lies that have been instilled in them by presenting the Truth about these anti-natural systems of "beliefs".
Yes, Christmas, Easter and others: getting rid of Christianity does not have to mean giving it up because it was stolen (and distorted) from our native Gentile Religions (based not on "beliefs", but on development and science), like everything else out there(...). These holidays celebrate the zodiac cycle of the Sun. (Christmas is the Winter Solstice shifted two days forward, and Easter is the Spring Equinox, except that instead of the Equinox, it is celebrated in the week of the full moon, after the Equinox (energetic parasites apparently prefer to cultivate the Night than the Day). And in order to continue to celebrate them, there is almost nothing to change... except for a small date shift and the throwing away of one redundant detail...}

When it comes to universal acceptance of sexuality, I don't just mean pedophilia. Even in countries where the so-called "general tolerance" is officially in place, homosexuals are still one of the main enemies in many communities. And I don't mean to look for 'allies', but simply for nous. Among mature people, by mutual consent, everyone has the right to have sex as he or she wants and with whomever he or she wants.{*} There is no place for any 'rigid framework' and harassment of anyone if you want to heal the sexual sphere on both an individual and social level.

{*There's still a little mention of the view that homosexuality is "against nature". There is no 'one universal nature' when it comes to our sexuality. Yes, for me, sex with men is against my own sexual nature. But it's against nature, like Elton John, I guess, to have sex with women. -is against nature; against his own... It's different when it comes to the moral law in this matter, which explicitly forbids us, as well as condemns any violation of animal sexuality and the innocence of children. It is also important to understand that this is not about stigmatizing the sexuality of pedophilia, or even the fetish of zoophilia, but about all SEXUAL BEHAVIOURS towards children and animals.}

Nor is it any step towards promoting some pathology, on the contrary. Universal acceptance will only heal many sexual perversions because these are "taboo subjects" and all taboos arise precisely because of sexual misunderstandings, understatements and persecution.

And what is also worth mentioning here is that as far as the general acceptance I propose is concerned, I do not mean the contemporary forced "tolerance" and the addition of pedophilia as sexuality to it. Acceptance is simply acceptance; coming to terms with sexual diversity among people. But this "tolerance" promotes something opposite, like fascism. Pushing even something as beautiful as a rainbow by force always has the opposite effect to (supposedly) intentional and is not a healthy alternative to fascism at all, but its antithesis.

To better illustrate what I mean to you, I'm gonna talk about "Equality Marches". In countries such as Poland, where homosexuals still cannot legally (officially) enter into pairs, such marches make perfect sense. But their form... Instead of gathering normally to demonstrate their expectations and demands (most of which are certainly right{*}) and express their opposition to the lack of universal acceptance for them as Humans, they strongly promote their sexuality in a sexist or even perverse way, often making themselves even more "gay" than they are in bedrooms... This is what makes them lose the sense of their rightful demands, disappearing against the background of their outfits and the general decoration of the whole march... -So for this general acceptance of sexuality to be possible, we must stop pushing this "tolerance"...

*The debatable matter is obviously the adoption of children. I must admit that I do not have a clear opinion on this subject, but it seems to me that children could feel better being raised in homosexual couples than in orphanages or so-called "family orphanages". Apart from many media news about such 'artificial families', in my opinion, the very idea of being a parent for a monthly payment smells of some kind of pathology and is certainly a much riskier solution than the adoption of children by homosexual couples who want to be parents not for financial gain.

As far as fascist views on sexuality are concerned, such as the "prohibition of faggotry", it is worthwhile to realize that this doctrine has its roots in Christianity as a whole, and so strictly in Catholicism. If you love your homeland, your race, your ethnic group, then you don't have to accept the fascist doctrine, along with its antisexual filth and hostility to other races. Catholicism does not defend Polishness, it only destroys it, just like everything else it affects... Therefore, by adopting fascist views, even when you defend legitimate ideals such as keeping our race and European ethnic groups alive, you are not actually defending them, but the opposite. -Since with your "brown" attitude you are only giving a pretext to "leftist" views to support their 'rightness' ("multi-culti"). In fact, there is no normality on both sides of the barricade, but these are contradictory theses, derived from the same source, only slightly different fragments of this 'holy' scripture. (In the Bible you will find extremely different theses that are mutually exclusive and generally everything except normality or naturalness)

However, for this universal acceptance to be possible, it is not enough simply to break with the Christian 'values' that prevented it, but above all with all the taboo that these 'values' created. And contrary to appearances, this is a much more difficult step, so I propose to start with relationships. Full openness is everything here. So instead of drawing 'knowledge' about the 'sinfulness' of sex from Christianity or about sexual positions from pornography, I simply encourage you to be completely honest about your own sexual expectations. You don't have to learn about sex from any patterns at all, because your own sexuality will give you the best indication.

This openness in the circle of family (siblings, parents with adult children, etc.), or even more so in the circle of acquaintances, is just impossible at this moment, so I do not even propose it now. In order to break down the barriers in this matter we need evolution, not revolution, because what has been destroyed in our nature for hundreds of years cannot be repaired in one day. Not only would this be impossible, but it would be very dangerous for Human relations themselves, especially for those who want to open up in such an instant... So start with relationships (possibly your closest friend), and the further evolution of your sexual freedom, I think it will come in time when you reject "the fight against pedophilia", Christian 'values', the "prohibition of faggotry", pornography and all the common stereotypes that destroy, burn out, as well as enslave your sexual freedom; voluntarity, security and identity.

The last step that I consider will be necessary to repair the Human sexual sphere should be 'sexual support groups' to deal with the sexual and emotional problems of people who have been hurt by "the fight against pedophilia" (and I don't mean only pedophiles...), and a kind of 'therapeutic intergenerational meeting'. The latter, of course, without any sexual character, but in order to fix this sphere, it is also necessary to fix the emotional sphere as well as the relations between people, including adults and children themselves. And I don't mean to provide the comfort of relationships with children to single pedophiles, because in my opinion only children who don't speak yet wouldn't benefit directly from such meetings. However, this will only be possible and completely safe if the step from the previous paragraph comes into force and people already know that they are ready and want this, because otherwise it would be like trying to put up a roof, before digging a pit under the foundations.

But I'm gonna explain to you guys what I mean in short. I see it as the meeting of several families with children and without and persons without families (however, without persons with the appearance and/or the smell of general mischief...). This would take place under the supervision of some psychologists who are particularly competent in group therapies. Somewhere like that, 20-30 people. And what's important, without breaking up the families themselves, but to choose families not among friends, but with ethnic homogeneity (people in the same ethnic group will understand each other better, and besides, I think that saving people's ethnic awareness is something VERY IMPORTANT in the era of promoting "multi-culti"). Psychologists would be necessary there, because it would be necessary to set up a specific program (to achieve specific goals), so that the participants of these meetings would not make a mockery, and so that everyone would feel comfortable and safe...

In general, I see it as something like a one-day weekend camp (every month or two) where there would be therapeutic games and plays, both separately for children, adults and intergenerational interactions. Such a day would end with a meeting (for example by a bonfire), where psychologists would supervise the therapeutic nature of the conversations between the participants.

And what would be the therapeutic objectives of such meetings? What would I think it would bring? Mutual respect and understanding of each other, as well as the complete repair of interpersonal relationships on a social level, which "the fight against pedophilia" has almost completely destroyed... Nevertheless, we have to start from the foundations...

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