poniedziałek, 27 kwietnia 2020

11. "The fight against pedophilia" and its antithesis

11. "The fight against pedophilia" and its antithesis 

Here I'll have to go back to Bear and Child Liberation again. But first, I'll explain the title of the chapter itself. There is something that has always been used by "secret societies", secretly controlled by the Jesuits, such as the Illuminati or the Masons. This process was described by the philosopher Hegel - it is the creation of two opposing ideas/movements/organizations/"religions", the aim of which is to work out a predetermined result. These ideas are described as a thesis and antithesis, and the result as a synthesis. Officially, these options are deadly enemies, but in fact they have common creators who, at the highest levels of the hierarchy of these hostile ideas, secretly work closely together...

Islam, which is currently destroying Europe, has just been created by order of the Vatican to create 'religious' conflicts. (The rapist of little Aisha Muhammad, in fact, was their agent...) There was a time when this 'religiousness' in the world weakened and then for a while communism was the antithesis for "equality and freedom and brotherhood". But the struggle of Christianity (Christian 'values') against Islam, however, has again returned to life...

The expected synthesis in the case of 'religious' wars is for people to start demanding restrictions on civil liberties, which will precede their "New World Order". However, there are many more such artificial conflicts, such as the popularization of chauvinism (by means of films, hip-hop, or 'religion' as well) and, on the other hand, feminism, which is simply the antithesis of chauvinism, well pretending to be the 'fight for equality'. Another such example is the White and Black Racists. ..Not to mention the political parties...
An antithesis was also created for "the fight against pedophilia"! Contemporary 'opinion makers', destroying Humanity with "the fight against pedophilia", have not forgotten to give pedophiles an 'alternative solution'. Not so widely available, but nevertheless... With a bit of embarrassment I must admit that once I was also fascinated by Child Liberation and other similar options...

The view promoted by these organizations is based on the assumption that children feel sexual pleasure in the same way as adults do (which, as you like it or not - it's true), so according to them "there are no contraindications for adults to enter into such contacts with children without harming them physically (and with 'mutual consent')". Now I know that this is nonsense, but it is a mistake of Humanity to react to such nonsense. (as well as often the very understanding of why it is nonsense -dogmatic 'asexuality'...).

The authors of these theses, who are behind these organizations are only a percentage of them. All the rest are the people they deceived, who will go away from them as soon as they understand their misconceptions. Apart from those who have been broken by this ideology by committing sexual crimes (which have irretrievably destroyed their Humanity...), but I'm sure there aren't that many of them...

For them it will certainly be a painful awakening, but it is better to shake them up with rational arguments, ramming the lies into which they have been entangled, than ramming them with epithets and threats from which they will take nothing but a sense of harm and greater and greater frustration.
That's why I'm giving you pedophiles, cheated and deceived by the communist stupidity, this substantive shock, which others have unfortunately neglected (...):
Like dying plants that have 'helped' to germinate, or like damaged butterflies 'stroked' their wings, so children who have been sexually abused (even without physical harm and with a smile on their lips), entering adulthood are even doomed to emotional and sexual problems.{*} And that's because, contrary to 'common opinion', they are sexual beings! It's a bit like leading someone through a labyrinth by the hand with an eye patch and suddenly taking that eye patch off and leaving him alone in that labyrinth - because children are not able to define their needs/expectations and ESPECIALLY BOUNDARIES in any sexual relationship. And this cannot be circumvented or jumped in any way because it is impossible to teach the sexual perception of beauty, or generally to have one's own sexual expectations on a conscious level. Although children may 'learn' or even become addicted to sex, it will never be their conscious voluntary choice, let alone their initiative. Besides, the only theoretical explanation to children of what sex is about is an interference with their immature sexual nature. -From the simple fact that in this normally developing sexuality they do not manifest the need to have sex in terms of the needs of their psyche, perception of relationships with people and hormonal economy, not to mention anatomical considerations...

{*It even applies to communities where child pornography, or abuse itself, is an accepted 'generational tradition'. (in some "third world" countries such 'traditions' and 'customs' unfortunately exist and are also legal) Even without the sense of stigma of "victim of pedophilia" or any conscious admission of being a victim of abuse, such people have a completely disturbed emotional and sexual development, which I am myself an example of, although in comparison to many victims, it was only a 'minor episode...'. Various emotional disorders, self-esteem, sexual nature, as well as the very perception of one's sexuality (...) and addictions (including behavioural ones), are NOT assigned in this case to the awareness of being a victim. This certainly strengthens them, but their basis is 'help' in 'germinating', which wreaks havoc in the development of the emotional and sexual sphere of man even without awareness of it. All in all, the victims of "pedophilia" are also not fully aware of this, because today's common 'knowledge' does not give them information about their undeveloped sexuality and how it was damaged, basing it only on the perception of the "stigma of pedophilia".}

Sexuality, if it would not develop itself will be damaged - and that is not a hypothesis; that is certain! People fascinated by BDSM, or some harmful fetishes, are generally victims of sexual abuse. In addition, there are also some emotional problems in such a situation, resulting from hormonal imbalance (through unnaturally prematurely induced stimuli), as well as through the realization of the fact of being a victim.

{But the Child Liberation Communists have gone even further... They described the so-called "apartheid against children", proclaiming that children are equal adults ("only the smaller ones") and that they should be fully integrated into society. The communists generally have it in common that they can manipulate minds such beautifully in their vocabulary, sensing what their audience wants to hear from them...} Can you imagine what the consequences of such a law would have if children were to be considered responsible subjects...?

Even aside from younger children { according to C.L., children from 11/12 should have "completely equal rights" and to "sexual games" from 6...}, what would happen if, for example, a fourteen-year-old man inherits some landed property, or a corporation with full power and responsibility? What huge abuse could happen?! How many "advisors" would there be to exploit this fact?
But so is child labour. There are countries where small children work, or even fight in wars, and they don't see anything wrong with it, because nobody ever gave them any alternative! Just because they don't see anything wrong with it doesn't mean that everything is OK; they don't know what it's like to learn, play and don't care about the need to survive or to get food, etc. (under this "terrible apartheid")

With work and taking important life decisions responsibly is like with sex - it is impossible to give children a 'free choice' - it will always be someone else's choice! And that's why children's civil liberties must be restricted, to protect them from their natural naivety and the possibility of exploitation by others!{*}

{*"We are very complex organisms. When it comes to mind development, most of everyone on this planet... (except for dolphins, in some way) And the more evolutionary an organism is developed, the longer the period of its immaturity, called childhood in our species. We are not reptiles, or even more spiders, that it is enough to be born and you have to not only take responsibility for yourself, but also often f..k off from mother, hungry after the birth..}

And sometimes it is also worth imposing something on them (without 'respecting their liberties...'), such as learning to make the best use of their time, thanks to their parents{*}, to be able to pass through the period of their childhood carefree and safe, which in adulthood should only be a beautiful memory - if this is the case, it is a sign that the adults responsible for them have done well...

However, if you are a pedophile and you do not commit any crime in this connection, I think that in the end it is worth to crown this 'shock' with one more constructive remark.

Always remember that there is absolutely nothing sick or perverted in your fascination with the beauty of children until you cross the boundaries of their innocence! The fact that children are generally cute, and above all girls, is so obvious to me that I feel that it is sick to deny it... You're not a monster and never let yourself be told it!!!
Now let's consider what the purpose of this antithesis is - what is the expected synthesis... These creatures, like Child Liberation or NAMBLA and their stray 'disciples', like Bear, are only to incite hatred for "pedophilia" and, unfortunately, also for pedophilia in its true sense... On the other side of the barricade are slipped as "remediums for pedophilia" in order to make the atmosphere as much as possible more atmospheric as possible; in order to push all mankind into this trap as much as possible. And people later on are officially fascinated by such 'solutions' to murder for only pedophilia, although in fact many of them are also.

- "But whatever... nobody will ever discover me because I've never done anything and I certainly won't do anything to reveal me with the fact that I see beauty in children... I don't even dream of having sex with them, because it's a terrible thing, and besides, I love children and I just want their goodness, so KILL ALL 'PEDOPHILES...'. -I wonder how many of you think like that.

Because the founders of these organizations (commonly referred to as "pedophilic organisations") I actually doubt whether they dream of fulfilling their demands at all.{*} They are just to bewilder lonely frustrated pedophiles, to make them dream about children and having sex with them. Just as the media and the "warriors against pedophilia" attack their identity and dignity all the time on the one hand, so the "pedophilic organizations" make an emotional subterfuge on the other by reaching out to them and pretending to be their friends. The synthesis, i.e. the predicted and desired result of the clash of these theses, is another abuse that you call "pedophilia", as well as more and more social illnesses, taboos, misunderstandings and reasons for mutual suspicion and hatred.

{*In Spain, these demands were partly met because you could 'have sex' with 12-year-olds there for a while. And because of how they are and always have been Spaniards (the Inquisition, Korrida and these things...), it was possible to introduce it there. They have already withdrawn from it, when was exposed the fact that some girls were sold for 'weddings'...
But there are countries in Africa and the Middle East where even small children can be legally abused and raped... (even if it doesn't look like that in the eyes of some pedophiles, for me 'sex' with a few years old is simply rape, because [sex] is a voluntary and conscious choice - by assumption) In many of these countries it is also legal to register this, i.e. filming child pornography... While maintaining my position that the protection of the sexual integrity of children is something natural in our species, I consider that here too, as in the case of "the fight against pedophilia", 'religions' are to blame (especially Islam in this particular matter), which in themselves destroy Human nature. I think that such a situation fortunately does not threaten us, because the more civilized part of the world in which we find ourselves has already largely moved away from the abrahamic poisons - Christianity, Islam and their 'values'. In medieval Europe, raping children was also legal, and they simply have not yet come out of the political power of 'religions', that is to say, their own medieval times.}

These types of organisations also use various other arguments to support their (anti)-thesis. Because they are not people who love the truth, so they often use lies, just like the mainstream. I have already mentioned the argument of "common abuse of boys in Ancient Greece"... And I don't even think there's any point in making other similar ideas here..

Such nonsense simply serves to strengthen the dreams of children for their loyal readers. "That once upon a time there were better days, and now the world is such a bad and unkind for children deprived of their rights..." -What is the funniest, people on the other side of the barricade also believe in these absurdities, considering themselves civilized and seeing in the stigmatization of pedophilia (unfortunately not only "pedophilia", as abuse) "a step towards modernity", which is also strengthened by the media spreading "ways and remedies for pedophilia". This mechanism in a childishly simple way intensifies the hatred for "pedophilia" (including pedophilia) and everything associated with it.

In Polish chans, you can read every now and then how 'wonderful' is ( I quote) 'fucking children' and various 'tips' on this subject. And then you can hear in the media about some other pervert who tried or, what's worse, hurt some child. If you have encountered this phenomenon, I want to make you aware that this is not a "Polish Internet network of pedophiles", as it is called in the media (when they sometimes mention it), but at most a few provocateurs, encouraging various alarms, thefts, beatings, murders and just 'pounding children'... I suppose they act on behalf of the media to make as many Polish pedophiles as possible into perverts and monsters in order to be able to commonly capture such an image of "pedophiles" and "pedophilia". It's true that I have sometimes polemicized with them (to make others think) and I can understand those who, as I once was, are ideologically lost thanks to "positive pedophilia". But just to be clear: 'pounding children' and all their harassment is for me already and surely irreversibly one of the worst filths you can ever commit..

In turn when it comes to the history of approaching sexual contacts with children, pollution of their innocence has always been something terrible and morally unacceptable to all, at least to the extent of civilised and normal people. -millennia before such a pathology anyone called "pedophilia"!{*}

{*But the ruling clique never had any respect for their subjects and their children... Therefore, in the Middle Ages, when people were literally under the shoes of the Catholic Church, raping children was perfectly legal; at least among them - the Church's elite and 'magnates' chosen by them. Fortunately, in the nineteenth and twentieth century, people managed to get out of their shoes at least partly thanks to the development of knowledge and social awareness, as well as various processes such as wars, revolutions and subversions. And finally, these 'magnates', when they could no longer torture innocent people, understood that they would never succeed in convincing civilized people to accept in any way the filthiness of their children. So they decided to use this fact against us all... ...SO THE IDEA OF "FIGHTING PEDOPHILIA" WAS BORN IN THEIR MINDS...!!}

And in the end of this chapter... Don't mind me explaining some obvious things to most of you here. In my opinion, it is simply a much better idea to explain in detail and scientifically, health and HUMANS' point of view on any abuse of children than to do it in an obscene, perverse and extremely sexist way, really explaining nothing about it and assuming in advance that you "understand (support) or die". This is how any opportunity to reach out to the deceived victims{*} of Child Liberation, NAMBLA and similar organisations dies..

{*Despite some doubts I had while writing this, I think the word "victim" fits best here. In fact, we are all victims of "the fight against pedophilia" -...this terrible social psychosis... I will also insist that the overwhelming majority of pedophiles love children - in addition, that most of all NOT in the sexual sense of this word... This also applies to most of those who abuse children. I strongly emphasize that they are the criminals who harm them - they deeply damage their sexual and emotional development. However, thanks to the "pedophilic organisations" discussed here, they think and believe that the children they abuse benefit from it because DE FACTO it's could be enjoyable for them and if they do not inflict pain on them, it may look like this. On the other hand, thanks to "noble anti-pedo warriors", they feel cursed by the world around them for just seeing beauty in children. -No matter what they do with it at all. In addition, they do not hear any substantive arguments against the Communist Child Liberation gibberish (and simmilar), because "the fight against pedophilia" does not offer them something like that. That is why, even if they were punished with death, they could be often still unable to see and understand the harm they have done...}

Alienated people, closed in their worlds, may not understand certain things (obvious to you). This does not mean that they are stupid - in other things they can understand something much better than you... And besides, it's hard to understand when you don't get any chance to talk about the subject, and most of all when you don't have people close{*} around you... Besides, if you had explained it to them as I did in this chapter a long time ago, instead of throwing your hatred and invectives at them from all sides in advance, I am sure that the world would avoid many sexual abuses...

{*Really close, where in such a relationship you can tell about everything (and sexual problems are the most annoying and destructive when it comes to the psychological and emotional well-being of every Human being) - "the fight against pedophilia" and 'religions' defiance of Human sexuality very effectively, and globally eliminates the possibility of such relationships.}

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